The Dallas Historic Courthouse Foundation (DHCF), a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt Charitable Foundation, has as its mission --  to solicit, provide, and manage resources and support for the preservation, protection, renovation, improvement, upkeep, maintenance and operations of the Nationally-Registered, historic, (1848) Courthouse building and surrounding public Town Square in Dallas, North Carolina. To this end, and as a follow-up to its highly-successful Phase I, building renovation, the DHCF is now conducting an ornamental memorial brick paver sale to allow for the further development and enhancement of the Public Town Square grounds surrounding the Courthouse Event Center. Specifically, all funds raised from the sale of the brick pavers will be used to enhance and expand the gazebo and public courtyard area with the addition of a hard-surfaced plaza area; an expanded band-shell-like arts venue; benches and seat-walls; and upgraded landscaping, walks, and outdoor sculpture. Each engraved brick will be permanently installed within the hard-surface plaza and walk areas memorializing in perpetuity the donor's contribution. In supporting Dallas' historic legacy, you, your friends and family members can each become a permanent part of that legacy.