Zion Lutheran Church is landscaping to make our entrance more hospitable and welcoming. A new peace garden will feature a brick labyrinth, a patio with bricks honoring or memorializing people, benches and plants to make a welcoming place to come and reflect. A concept drawing is on this site for you to see. It will also provide a place where we can share better outdoor activities (worship, concerts, etc.). You can help by donating one or more bricks for the patio in honor or memory of someone. You can also make an additional contribution to defer the costs and support this project by sending a donation directly to the church.


The new garden will be a place where people can enjoy and remember significant people in their lives for remembrance for generations. Your donation of one or more bricks will help make this dream a reality and honor important people in your lives for many years to come.

Brick examples
Brick Price $50.00


Thank you for your donation!