
Brick Donors Ordering System

Brick Donors Ordering System

Polar Engraving offers a free personalized donor website or donations ordering system as an important tool for the success of your brick fundraiser. It allows your donors to place their orders online, and in addition, our software keeps track of these orders in your own portal. If you decide to use the free donor website, we can also create a free donor brochure mirroring your customized site. In order to help you manage your orders and website, we have uploaded useful videos


  • Allow your brick/tile donors the convenience of placing their orders online.
  • Expose your brick/tile fundraising project to the world on the internet.
  • Allow your brick/tile donors to pay securely by credit card using Stripe, the newly added method of payment, or mail you a check.
  • All donor websites utilize secure encrypted transfer protocols to protect your donor’s data.
  • Easily manage and track brick/tile donor orders in your own portal.
  • Access your portal with your login and password and manage your orders with our advanced software. You can add, delete, or change each order at your convenience.
  • We can create a beautiful brochure order form matching your donor website using the same information provided for your website. You just need to print them out.
  • Polar Engraving USA does not collect your donors’ money, all donations will go directly to your organization.
  • Simply fill out the brick donor website order form, and we will take care of the rest.

Step 1: Taking orders on your Donor Website

Polar Engraving makes it easy for your contributors to place orders on your personalized site designed by our team. At the bottom of the site, donors will be able to enter their contact information and select which brick or tile they would like to purchase. If you are offering Clip Art and custom logos, they will be able to select the clip art from a drop-down menu or upload their own custom text and logo.

Place order on donor website

Step 2: When your donor clicks continue, he will be able to add his text and clip art on a virtual brick

Virtual brick example

Step 3: Order Summary and Notifications

When the donor purchases a brick or tile, he will receive an order summary and a confirmation email. Your organization will also receive a notification via email when an order has been placed. The order will be automatically registered in the organization’s portal. The organization has the option to collect checks or receive credit card payments using Stripe.

Order summary or receipt example

Matching Donor Brochures

Although you may be using a donor recognition website for your engraved brick project, it is still a good idea to have a paper order form. Some brick donation contributors will feel more comfortable placing paper orders rather than entering information online. We can design an attractive donor flyer along with your donor website using the same information you provide to us. We will email you a PDF file of your brochure, and you can have them printed.

brick fundraising brochure

Donor Websites Examples 

See how it works, place sample orders on these two websites specially designed, so you can test-drive our donor websites.
Click here Sample Church Site

Church Donor website example

Click here
Sample Veterans Site

Veterans Donor Website Example
Organization Website Link
Elisa Nelson Elementary elisanelsonelementarypta
Kutztown Community Skatepark Association kutztownskatepark
107th Attack Wing Memorial 107thattackwingmemorial
115 Club 115club
1159 South Community Development Corporation 1159southcommunitydevelopmentcorporation
150Left.com LLC 150leftcomllc
1st Combat Engineer Battalion, USMC 1stcebusmc
2nd District Neighborhood Planning Council 2nddistrictneighborhoodplanningcouncil
3D Community Church 3dcommunitychurch
407th Brigade Support Battalion 407bsb
A Childs Haven ach
A Mothers Rest amothersrest
A Tower with a View of Freedom wgainesveteransmemorialfund
Abandoned Pet Rescue abandonedpetrescue
Abbie Lane Retreat Ministry abbielanechapel
Abbot Senior Living abbotseniorliving
ABC of NC abcofnc
Acadian Youth Sports Acadian Little League acadianlittleleague
ACC Patriotic Committee accpatrioticcommittee
Accessible Housing Austin! aha
ACE and RMS Eagles Athletic Booster Club eaglesbooster
Adam`s House adamshouse
Adopt A Pet Foundation adoptapetfoundation
Advanced Academics Academy Foundation advancedacademicsacademyfoundation
AEPi Beta Upsilon Alumni aepibetaupsilonalumni
AEPI Delta Parents Club aepi
Aerospace Museum of California aerospacemuseumca
African Diaspora Council Inc africandiasporacouncilinc
Agudas Israel Congregation Brotherhood agudasisrael
Aiken Equine Rescue aikenequinerescue
Aircraft Armament Chiefs Association aaca
Alabama State University Foundation alabamastateuniversitymarchinghornets
Alabaster City Schools Foundation alabastercity
Albert Hayes- Eagle Project Troop 2 eagleprojecttroop2
Albert J Hickman American Legion Post 460 albertjhickmanamericanlegionpost460
Albion Elementary albionelementary
Albritton Recreation Park albrittonpark
Aldersgate Day School aldersgatedayschool
Alex Vega Key West Firehouse Museum keywestfire
Alexander Memorial United Methodist Church alexandermemorialunitedmethodistchurch
Alice Paul House alicepaulhouse
All Hallows Academy allhallowsacademy
All Nations Sports Academy allnationssportsacademy
All Saints Episcopal Day School asedschool
Allegheny West Conference of SDAs alleghenywestconferenceofseventhdayadventists
Allgood Road United Methodist Church allgoodroadchurch
Almond Acres Charter Academy almondacrescharteracademy
Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity agr
Alpha Kappa Psi alphakappapsi
Alpha Kappa Psi - Professional Business Fraternity alphakappapsizetaxi
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. alphabrick
Alpha Xi alphaxi
Amador City Cemetery amadorcitycemetery
American Bald Eagle Foundation americanbaldeaglefoundation
American Huey 369 Org americanhuey369
American Infidels VMC americaninfidelsvmc
American Legion Auxiliary 455 amlegionpost455
American Legion Avalon Park Post 409 avalonparkpost409
American Legion Cordova Post 13 ussarizonapost13
American Legion Post 101 americanlegionpost101
American Legion Post 104 americanlegionpost104
American Legion Post 120 americanlegionpost120
American Legion Post 126 americanlegion126
American Legion Post 166 alp166sc
American Legion Post 179 post179
American Legion Post 214 americanlegionpost214
American Legion Post 364 woodbridgeamericanlegionpost364
American Legion Post 37 americanlegionpost37
American Legion Post 379 americanlegionpost379
American Legion Post 401 americanlegionpost401
American Legion Post 556 americanlegionpost556
American Legion Post 56 americanlegionpost56
American Legion Post 60 americanlegionpost60
American Legion Post 717 Granger IA americanlegionpost717
American Legion Post 828 americanlegionpost828
American Legion Randolph Furey Post 170 americanlegionrandolphfureypost170
American Legion Riders Chapter 1298 alrchapter1298
AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS POST 1 americanlegionriderspost1
American Theatre Company americantheatrecompany
Amite Oyster Festival amiteoysterfestival
Amvets Post 88 amvetspost88
Andrew Fatula Eagle Project andrewfatulaeagleproject
Angel Wings Foundation angelwingsfoundation
Angleton Christian School angletonchristianschool
Anguilla Tennis Academy anguillatennisacademy
Animal Alliance of New Jersey animalallianceofnj
Animal Care Shelter for Kent County kenthumane
Animal Welfare League of Kosciusko County animalwelfareleagueofkc
Animal Welfare Society Inc animalwelfaresocietyinc
Annawon Lodge 115 A.F. and A.M. annawonlodge115
Apex Community Care apexcommunitycare
Apple Springs Alumni Association applespringshighschool
Arapahoe High School Baseball Booster Club arapahoehighschoolbaseballboosters
Arizona Traditions Pickleball Club aztpickleballclub
Army Transportation Museum Foundation armytransportationmuseumfoundation
Arrowhead Montessori arrowheadmontessori
Asbury Community Association asburycommunityassociation
Ascension Lutheran Church ascensionlutheranchurch
Ashland Animal Rescue Fund ashlandanimalrescuefund
Ashland Little League ashlandlittleleague
Ashtalakshmi Temple souwallofunion
ASPIRA Academy aspirabuildingcampaign
ASTRO Foundation astrofoundation
Atlanta Rugby Foundation atlantarugbyfoundation
Attleboro Dog Park attleborodogpark
Audie Murphy Project audiemurphyproject
Austin Jewish Academy aja
Autism Partnership Foundation autismpartnershipfoundation
Ave Maria Veterans Association avemariaveteransassociation
Awesome Acres awesomeacres
Babylon Beautification Society babylonbaymanbeautificationproject
Back Bay Wildfowl Guild Inc backbaywildfowlguildinc
Badlands Veterans Memorial badlandsveteransmemorial
Baileys Legacy Dog Park baileyslegacy
Bainbridge Island Parks Foundation bainbridgeislandparksfoundation
Bainbridge Island Parks Foundation PB bainbridgepb
Baked of Bloomington bakedofbloomington
Baker High School bakerhighschool
Baldwin Civic Association baldwincivicassociation
Baldwin Manor Association baldwinmanor
Ballast Point Elementary PTA ballastpointelementarypta
Bamberg Church of God bambergcog
Bandera Village of Hope banderavillageofhope
Baptist Camp Lebanon baptistcamplebanon
Bark Haus barkhaus
Barr Street High School Foundation, INC barrstreethsf
Barre 911 Memorial Committee barre911memorial
Barre Library Association barrelibraryassociation
Bartlett High School Lady Panthers pantherfieldofdreams
BAS Alumni Association basalumniassociation
Bay Area Technology School baytechschool
Bayou View Elementary PTA bayouview
Bayshore CAPA bayshorecapa
Baywater Animal Rescue baywaterar
Bear Grass Charter School Dive Team beargrasscharterschooldiveteam
Bearcat Den Indoor Sports Facility bearcatdenindoorsportsfacility
Beaver County Humane Society beavercountyhumanesociety
Beckman High School Baseball beckmanbbclub
Beekmantown Booster Club beekmantownbooster
Belgium Dog Park pepisplayground
Bellarmine University bellarmineuniversity
Bellbrook Historical Museum bellbrookmuseum
Belle Mer Flag Pole Fund bellemerflagpole
Belleair Beach Community Foundation belleairbcf
Belmont County Dog Park belmontcountydogpark
Beloit United Methodist Church beloitumc
Belville Riverwalk Veterans Memorial riverwalkmemorial
Ben Bolt High School benbolthighschool
Benicia Dog Park Memorial beniciadogparkmemorial
Bennetts Valley PTO bennettsvalleypto
Bergen Elementary bergenelementary
Berkley Masonic Lodge 167 berkleymasoniclodge167
Berts Barracuda Harley Davidson bbhd
Bethany Academy bethanyacademy
Bethel AME Church bethelamechurch
Bethel Baptist Church bethelbaptistchurch
Bethel Baptist Womens Day Celebration bethelbaptistwomensday
Bethel United Methodist Church bethelunitedmethodist
Big Brothers Big Sisters of NH bigbrothersbigsistersofnh
Big Elk Meadows Association bigelksmeadows
Big Ridge Elementary PTA bigridgeelementarypta
Big Thompson Canyon Volunteer Fire Department btcvfd
Birdsboro Community Memorial Center birdsborocommunitymemorialcenter
Bishop Loughlin Memorial HS loughlin
Blue Knights blueknights
BOK ACADEMY bokacademy
Bold Springs Church boldspringschurch
Booker T Washington Slater Riverside Alumni Assoc btwbricks
Borough of Barnegat Light boroughofbarnegatlight
Bosch Family Brewing boschfamilybrewing
Boston Ballet bostonballet
Boy Scout Eagle Project boyscouteagleproject
Boy Scout Troop 149 bsatroop149
Boy Scout Troop 230 boyscoutstroop230
Boy Scout Troop 25 boyscouttroop25
Boy Scouts Of America boysscoutofamerica
Boy Scouts of America Colonial Virginia Council colonialvirginiacouncilbsa
Boy Scouts of America Gorham gorhamscoutranch
Boy Scouts of America NP Project nicholaspapasproject
Boy Scouts of America Troop 332 boyscoutsofamericatroop332
Boy Scouts of America Troop 377 boyscoutsofamericatroop377
Boy Scouts Troop 33 boyscouttroop33
Boys and Girls Club of the Columbia boysandgirlsclubsofthecolumbia
Boys and Girls Clubs of the MonDak boysandgirlsclubsofthemondak
Brainerd Baptist School brainerdbaptist
Bramlett Church bramlettumc
Brandons Eagle Project brandonmendozaeagleproject
Brantley High School brantleyhs
Brattleboro Retreat brattlebororetreat
BREA brea
Breakwater Learning breakwaterlearning
Brentwood Elementary PTO brentwood
Brew City Bully Club brewcitybullyclub
Brick Fundraiser Granted House of Hope grantedhouseofhope
Brick Project Humane Society of Sonoma County humanesocietyofsonomacounty
Bridge City Athletic Booster Club bridgecityathleticboosterclub
Brighton Memorial Fund brightonmemorialfund
British American School of Charlotte basc
Broad Run Athletic Booster Club broadrunhighschool
Broadmoor Country Club broadmoorcountryclub
Bronco Project broncoproject
Bronson High School Quarterback Club eaglepridewalk
Bronson Sesquicentennial Committee bronsonsesquicentennial
Brookville VFW Post 2014 brookvillevfwpost2014
Brookwood Florida brookwoodflorida
Brotherhood of Christ Episcopal Church- Monticello FL brotherhoodofchristepiscopal
Brownsville Wellness Coalition brownsvillewellnesscoalition
Bryan High School bryanhighschool
BSA Troop 15 Charlestown RI bsatroop15charlestownri
BSA Troop 209 bsatroop209
BSA TROOP 260 bsatroop260
BSA Troop 33 bsatroop33lol
BSA Troop 41 bsatroop41
BSA Troop 50 bsatroop50
BSA Troop 604 bsatroop604
BSA Troop 721 bsatroop721
BSA Troop 759 bsatroop759
Buchanan County Animal Shelter buchanancountyanimalshelter
Buena Vista Event Cooperative bvlegacystage
Bulldog Legacy Plaza bulldoglegacyplaza
Burlingame Parks and Recreation Foundation burlingameparks
Burr School PTO burrschoolpto
Butler County Challenger Baseball butlercountychallengerbaseball
Buyamba Uganda buyambauganda
Byram Bay Community Club byrambaycommunityclub
Byron G. Merrill Library rumneylibrary
Cain African Methodist Episcopal Church cainamechurch
Caleb Greenwood PTSO calebgreenwoodptso
Calhoun County Area Chamber and Visitors Center calhouncountyareachamberandvisitorscenter
California Four Wheel Drive Association Inc californiafourwheeldriveassociationinc
California School for the Deaf Riverside californiaschoolforthedeaf
Calvary Baptist Academy calvarybaptistacademy
Camp Kulaqua campkulaqua
Camp Livingston camplivingston
Camp Louemma camplouemma
Camp Manitowa campmanitowa
Camp Pinnacle camppinnacle
Camp Rising Sun Charitable Foundation camprisingsun
Campaign for Lompoc Community Track and Field lompoctrackandfield
Campbells Point Association campbellspointassociation
Canaan Baptist Church canaanbaptistchurch
Canfield Swim and Tennis Club canfieldswimandtennisclub
Canton Athletic Booster Club canton2020
Cape Fear Valley Health Foundation cfvfoundation
Cape Hope A NJ Non Profit capehopeanjnonprofit
Cape May County Zoo Society capemayzoofriend
Capital City High School Brick Row Fundraiser cchsbrickrow
Captain Rons captainrons
Carbon Emery Masonic Temple Board carbonemerymasonictempleboard
Caring Connection caringconnection
Caring For Cats caringforcats
Carolina Horse Park carolinahorsepark
Carroll Elementary PTO carrollelementarypto
Carson Sheriff`s Station carsonsheriffstation
Carver Middle School Foundation carvermiddleschoolfoundation
Casner Christian Academy casnerchristianacademy
Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp cassadagaspiritualistscamp
Catawba Trail Elementary School catawba
Cathedral St Joseph cathedralstjoseph
Catherine Morrill Day Nursery catherinemorrilldaynursery
Catholic Charities Bureau campiamspecial
Cavalier County JDA boydblockplaza
CDO Parent Organization cdo
Cedar Bluff Lady Tiger Softball ladytiger
Cedar Key School Journalism cedarkeyschooljournalism
Cedarkirk Camp and Conference Center cedarkirkcampandconferencecenter
Cedaroak Park Primary School cedaroakparkprimaryschool
Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies carefl
Central Avenue School PTO caspto
Central Baptist Church of Warner Robins centralwr
Central Panhandle Association of REALTORS cpar
Central School centralschool
Central School Corporation centralschoolcorporation
Central United Methodist Church of Kings Mountain centralunitedmethodishchurchofkingsmountain
CFOS Warwick Playground Dreams cfoswarwickplaygrounddreams
Chabad Pollack Center for Jewish Life chabadpollackcenterforjewishlife
Chandler Lion Quarterback Club chandlerquarterbackclub
Chandler Valley Hope chandlervalleyhope
Chapter Regents Club, WA STATE DAR wssdarcrc
Charles Franklin Shuler Lodge #74 A.F. & A.M charlesfranklinshulerlodge74
Charles Hammond House charleshammondhousellc
Charlies House charlieshouse
Charlotte Community Foundation charlottecommunityfoundation
Charlottesville Catholic School charlottesvillecatholicschool
Chatham Chamber of Commerce chathamchamberofcommerce
Chattanooga House Corporation chiomega
Cheatham County Veterans Memorial Park cheathamcounty
Cheatham County Veterans Service Office cheathamcountyveteransserviceoffice
Chelmsford Dog Association chelmsforddogassociation
Chelsea Heights Elementary PTO chelseaheightselementary
Cheney VFW Post 11326 cheneyvfwpost11326
Cheremoya Ave Elementary cheremoyaelementaryschool
Cherry Preschool cherrypreschool
Chesapeake Athletic Boosters pantherpavers
Chesapeake Montessori School chesapeakemontessorischool
Cheverus Catholic School cheveruscatholicschool
Chico Country Day School chicocountrydayschool
Child Care of Southwest Florida, Inc ccswfl
Children of Fallen Heroes cfheroes
Childs World Preschool childsworldpreschool
Chilton County High School chiltoncountyhighschool
Christ Church and Preschool christchurchandpreschool
Christ Church of Hamilton & Wenham christchurch
Christ Church of Ramapo christchurchoframapo
Christ Community School christcommunityschool
Christ Community United Methodist Church christcommunityumc
Christ the King Baptist Church christtheking
Christ the King Regional School christthekingregionalschool
Christian Campus Center at Kilgore College christiancampuscenterkilgore
Christopher Walden House of Hope christopherwaldenhouseofhope
Church of the Good Shepherd UCC goodshepherdalburtis
Church of the Good Shepherd- Episcopal Tomball churchofgoodshepherdepiscopalchurch
Church of the Little Flower churchofthelittleflower
Cimarron Memorial High School cimarronhighschool
Cincinnati Center for Autism cincinnaticenterforautism
Cinco Ranch cincoranch
Citizens Working to Beautify the Community beautifytaft
City of Amsterdam cityofamsterdam
City of Bainbridge Veterans Program cityofbainbridgeveteransprogram
City Of Coleman cityofcoleman
City of Creola cityofcreola
City of Dover New Hampshire cityofdovernewhampshire
City of Holmes Beach cityofholmesbeach
City of Opelika Parks and Recreation opelikaparksandrecreation
City of Saint Robert saintrobertroute66neonpark
City of Sale City cityofsalecity
City of Somersworth somersworth
City of Webster Groves cityofwebstergroves
Citywide Beauticians and Barbers Association citywide
Civil Air Patrol - Maryland Wing mdcap
CJ Stewart Foundation cjstewartfoundation
CL Spirit clspirit
Clark County Saddle Club saddleclub
Clarkdale Elementary Parent Teacher Organization clarkdaleepto
Clarksville Ajax Turner Senior Center clarksvilleajaxturnerseniorcenter
Clear Creek Independent School District challengercolumbiastadium
Clear View Ministries clearviewministries
Cleburne Railroaders Baseball cleburnerailroadersbaseball
Clement Railroad Hotel Museum crhm
Cleveland High School Band clevelandhighschool
Cliffs at Keowee Vineyards vineyardsalfrescokitchen
Clinton Community Historical Society cchs
Clinton Township clintontownship
Clinton VFW Post 9591 easternairdefensesector
Closter Boy Scout Troop 63 closterboyscouttroop63
Clymer Library Association clymerpavers
Coastal Preparatory Academy coastalpreparatoryacademy
Cocoa Beach Main Street cocoabeachmainstreet
Cogburn Woods Elementary PTO cogburnwoodselementarypto
Coldwater Mountain Brewpub coldwatermountainbrewpub
Colleen Lunsford Bevis Elementary School PTA bevispta
College Glen Little League collegeglenlittleleague
College Hill Missionary Baptist Church collegehillmissionarybaptistchurch
College Park CME Church collegeparkcmechurch
Collier County Domestic Animal Services colliercountydomesticanimalservices
Colony Oak PFC colonyoakpfc
Colorado Northwestern Community College Foundation coloradonwccf
Columbia Animal Shelter columbiaanimalshelter
Columbus County Shrine Club ccsc
Comfort Education Foundation comforteducationfoundation
Commonwealth Swim Club commonwealthswimclub
Community Ballet Association communityballetassociation
Community Link Mission communitylinkmission
Community Partnership of the Ozarks Inc communitypartnershipoftheozarksinc
Community Presbyterian Church Pismo Beach cpcpb
Compass Academy Charter School compassacademycharterschool
Concerned Citizens for a Better Algiers ccfbanola
Concord American Little League concordamericanlittleleague
Concordia Prep School concordiaprepschool
Congregation Beth Shalom congregationbethshalom
Congregation Bnai Jacob cbj
Connecticut District 12 Little League connecticutdistrict12littleleague
Connor McDonald Eagle Scout Project connormcdonald
Conrad Garden Club conradgardenclub
Cook High School Tennis cookhighschooltennis
Cooper City High School Band Parent Association coopercityhsbandparentsassociation
Coopers Companions cooperscompanions
Copper Mountain College coppermountaincollege
Coral Glades High coralgladeshigh
Cordova Community Center cordova
Cornerstone School cornerstoneschool
Cornersville High School Baseball cornersvillehighschoolbaseball
Cosumnes Oaks High School Baseball Boosters cosumnesoakshighschoolbaseballboosters
Covenant Academy covenantacademy
Covenant Life Fellowship covenantlf
COVINGTON ELKS LODGE 1806 covingtonelkslodge1806
Coyote Baseball Booster Club coyotebaseballboosterclub
Coyote Clay Target League coyoteclaytargetleague
Cpl Chad Eric Oligschlaeger Foundation for PTSD Inc cplchado
Crayton Hall subdivision craytonhall
Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve creaseymahannaturepreserve
Creative Dreams Outreach Center creativedreamsoutreachcenter
Crestview Elementary School crestviewpta
Critter Adoption and Rescue Effort critteradoptionandrescueeffortinc
Cross Creek Ranch crosscreekranchfl
Crossroads Hope Academy Inc crossroadshopeacademyinc
Crossroads Museum crossroadsmuseum
Croton Little League crotonlittleleague
Crow-Luther Cultural Events Center crowluther
CSUMC Veterans Memorial csumcveteransmemorial
Cub Scout Pack 3228 cubscoutpack3228
Cultivation Church cultivationchurch
Cultural Arts Center culturalartscenter
Custer Veterans Memorial custerveteransmemorial
CVAR - Oakdale cvaroakdale
Daishas Accessible Acres daishasaccessibleacres
Dallas Historic Courthouse Foundation dallashistoriccourthousefoundation
Dania Beach Monkey Sanctuary daniabeachvervetproject
Danish Festival Inc danishfestival
Danvers Girls Softball danversgirlssoftball
Darke County Jr Fair Dog Dept darkecountyjrfairdogdept
Darrouzett Education Foundation longhornmemorialtrail
DATA School dataschool
Davidson K8 Boosters Club davidsonk8boostersclub
Davis Junction Museum and Historical Society davisjunctionmuseumandhistoricalsociety
Davis Park Tennis Court Resurfacing Fundraiser davisparktenniscourt
Daynas iCare Foundation daynasicarefoundation
Deep Roots Inc deeprootsinc
Deer Creek Optimist deercreekoptimist
Deer Creek RV Golf & CC deercreekrvgolfcc
DeKalb West Baseball Boosters dekalbwestbulldogway
Delton Athletic Youth Opportunities deltonathleticyouthopportunities
Denver RC Eagles denverrceagles
Derek Lavigne Eagle Scout Project dereklavigneeaglescoutproject
Destin High School destinhighschool
Detroit Police Athletic League detroitpoliceathleticleague
Detroit Sector MWR detroitsectormwr
DIAMOND HILL-JARVIS HIGH SCHOOL diamondhilljarvishighschool
Diamondhead Community Bandstand diamondheadcommunitybandstand
Diggity Dog Daycare diggitydogdaycare
Diocese of Alexandria dioceseofalexandria
Discovery Day Academy discoverydayacademy
Discovery Expedition of St Charles discoveryexpeditionofstcharles
Discovery MI Preschool discoverymipreschool
Dog Orphans dogorphans
Dogs for Veterans dogsforveterans
Dolphin Baseball Club dolphinbaseballclub
Douglas County Health Center Foundation memorialhealinggarden
Dow City Community Splash Pad dowcitycommunitysplashpad
Dr. Robert Pogue Memorial Spray Park projectspray
Drexel Public School Foundation drexelpublicschoolfoundation
Dundee Area Chamber of Commerce dundeeareachamberofcommerce
Dundee Athletic Booster Club dundeevikings
Dupo High School dupohighschool
EAA Chapter 31 eaachapter31
EAA Chapter 430 eaa430
Eagle Power Club eaglepowerclub
Eagle Scout Project For VFW Post 414 eaglescoutpost414
Eagle Scout Project-Village of Dryden eaglescoutvillageofdryden
Earth Animal earthanimal
East Brunswick Baseball-Softball League eastbrunswickbaseballleague
East Chatham Little League eastchathamlittleleague
East Greenbush Girls Softball League egsoftball
East Pasco Chapter 705 Military Order of the Purple Heart mophchapter705
East Union High School eastunionhighschool
Eastern Greene Football Booster easterngreenef
Eastern High School Football Booster Club Association ehsfootball
Easterseals Capital Region & Eastern CT eastersealscapitalregionandeasternct
Eastport Memorial Nursing Home eastportmemorial
Eastside STREAM Academy eastsidestreamacademy
Eaton Nacogdoches Veterans iERG eatonnacogdoches
Ed Downs PTO eddownspto
Edfu Temple 267 edfutemple267
Edison High School edisonhighschool
Eisenhower International School eisfoundation
El Paso Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club elpasobuffalosoldiersmotorcycleclub
Elba Baseball and Softball Association elbabaseballandsoftballassociation
Eldorado Brookview Volunteer Fire Department ebvfd
Elim Shores Independent & Assisted Living elimshoresliving
Elizabeth Shelton School ess
Ellicottville Skatepark sk8evl
Elmore County High School Football elmorecountyhsfootball
Elmsford PTSA elmsfordptsa
Elmwood Elementary warriorwalkway
Emerald Coast Children`s Advocacy Center eccac
Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge emeraldcoastwildliferefuge
Emerson Middle School PTO emersonmiddleschoolpto
Emporia Christian School emporiachristianschool
Empower Dance Studio empowerdancestudio
Encounter Church floridaencounterchurch
Englewood TN Water Tower Preservation Project tnwatertower
Enterprise Fishing Rodeo enterprisefishingrodeo
Equality Volunteer Fire Department equalityvolunteerfiredepartment
Eric J Williams Memorial Park ericjwilliamsmemorialpark
Espiritu Santo Catholic School espiritusantocatholicschool
Estates West Neighborhood Association ewna
Eureka Legacy Foundation Inc eurekalegacyfoundation
Evanescent Mustangs evanescentmustangs
Evangelical Lutheran Church evangelicallutheranchurch
Evanston Splash Pad Fund evanstonsplashpad
Evelyn Cameron Heritage Inc evelyncameronheritageinc
Evergreen Mill Elementary PTA emespta
Exchange Club of Berkeley County exchangeclubofberkeleycounty
Extension Master Gardener Program of Durham County durhamcountymastergardenerprogram
F.A.I.T.H. Cancer Care Foundation faithccf
F5 Athletics f5athletics
Fairfield Little League Girls Softball fairfieldlittleleague
Faith Church faithchurch
Faith Country Church faithcountrychurch
Faith Farm Ministries faithfm
Faith United Methodist Church faithumcdelmont
Faithworld Christian Center faithworldchristiancenter
Falcon Cove Middle School PTA falconcovemiddleschoolpta
Family Promise of Lycoming County familypromiseoflycomingcounty
Family Service League familyserviceleague
Father Sheridan Memorial Brick Garden stphilipnerischool
Fayetteville Elementary School fayettevilleelementaryschool
FCA Fowler Community Alliance cityoffowler
FHHS BASEBALL fhhsbaseball
Fieldstone Farms HOA fieldstonefarmshoa
Fire Museum of Memphis firemuseumofmemphis
First Baptist Church of Salem fbcsalemin
First Baptist Church of Virginia firstbaptistchurchofvirginia
First Baptist Church Pastor Aid Ministry 2024 firstbaptistchurchpastoraid
First Baptist Church Piedmont firstbaptistchurchpiedmont
First Church in Wenham firstchurchinwenham
First Congregational Church firstcongregationalchurch
First Congregational Church of Stratford firstcongregationalchurchofstratford
First Haitian Baptist Mission Church firsthaitianbaptistmission
First Missionary Baptist Church firstmissionarybaptist
First Missionary Baptist Church NC firstmissionarybaptistchurch
First Providence Baptist Church firstprovidencebaptistchurch
First United Methodist Church The Colony firstunitedmethodistchurchthecolony
First Zion Missionary Baptist Church firstzionmissionarybaptistchurch
FirstHealth CDC firsthealthcdc
Fisk Deltas fiskdeltas
Five-Star Gymnastics fivestargymnastics
Flagler Habitat for Humanity flaglerhabitatforhumanity
Flagtable Fundraiser flagtablefundraiser
Flat Rock Area Little League flatrockarealittleleague
Flathead 4H Foundation flathead4hfoundation
Flathead Lake United Methodist Camp flatheadlakeunitedmethodistcamp
Fleming Island High School Soccer flemingislandhighschoolsoccer
Floral Lakes Putting Green florallakesputtinggreen
Florida Hospital Fish Memorial Foundation floridahospitalfishmemorialfoundation
Fluvanna County Fire & Rescue Acssociation fluvannacountyfra
Folcroft Swim Club folcroftswimclub
For God We Live Ministries forgodweliveministries
Forest County Humane Society forestcountyhumanesociety
Forsyth-Monroe Chamber of Commerce leadershipmonroeclassof2016
Fort Miles Museum fmmuseum
Fort Pitt Block House fpbh
Fountain Valley High School Baseball fvhsbaronbaseball
Fox Township Elementary School ftes
Frameworks Racing Inc lemoorebmxraceway
Frank Childress Reservation frankchildressreservation
Frankies Hope Inc frankieshopeinc
Franklin Elementary School franklinelementaryschool
Franklin Garden Club franklingardenclub
Franklin High School franklinhighschool
Franklinton Center at Bricks franklintoncabricks
Freemason Park Foundation freemasonparkfoundation
Fremont County School District #24 fremontcountyschooldistrict24
Fremont Junior High PTO fremontjrhighpto
Friends of Attleboro Animal Shelter friendsofattleboroanimalshelter
Friends of Barefoot Beach Preserve friendsofbarefootbeachpreserve
Friends of Beacon Dog Park friendsofbeacondogpark
Friends of Blossom Farm Cemetery friendsofblossomfarmcemetery
Friends of Buker friendsofbuker
Friends of Catalina State Park friendsofcatalinastatepark
Friends of Central Plaza friendsofcentralplaza
Friends of Detroit City Airport friendsofdca
Friends of Elkin Dog Park friendsofelkindogpark
Friends of Festival Country K9s friendsoffestivalcountryk9s
Friends of Goodenow Field friendsofgoodenowfield
Friends of League City Animal Shelter friendsofleaguecityanimalshelter
Friends of Leaps and Bounds friendsofleapsandbounds
Friends of Loma Vista Farm friendsoflomavistafarm
Friends of Lower Macungie Dog Park friendsoflowermacungiedogpark
Friends of Majestic View Nature Center majesticviewnaturecenter
Friends of Mollicone Park friendsofmolliconepark
Friends of Morgan Football friendsofmorganfootball
Friends of Norwell Community Garden norwellgardens
Friends of Richter Park Inc friendsofrichterparkinc
Friends of Rogers friendsofrogers
Friends of Rookery Bay rookerybay
Friends of Senior & Scout Community Center thescouthouse
Friends of Stockton, Inc friendsofstockton
Friends of the Agawam Veterans` Council agawam
Friends of The Cordes Lakes Public Library friendsofthecordeslakespubliclibrary
Friends of the Corona Public Library coronafriendsofthelibrary
Friends of the Crisis Center sosgardenbricks
Friends of the Goodnight Library goodnightbricks
Friends of the Hacienda and Historic New Port Richey historichaciendahotel
Friends of the Johnson City Dog Park Association, Inc. friendsofthejcdpa
Friends of the Jonesville Public Library friendsofthejonesvillepubliclibrary
Friends of the Nevada Southern Railway friendsofthenevadasouthernrailway
Friends of the Playground Saltville saltvilleplayground
Friends of The PSL Botanical Gardens friendsofthepslbg
Friends of The Shelter friendsoftheshelter
Friends of the Sutton Public Library friendsofthesuttonpubliclibrary
Friends of the Terrain Therapy Garden Project terraintherapygardenproject
Friends of the West End Commons friendsofthewestendcommons
Friends of Thorp friendsofthorp
Friends of Waverly Bark Park friendsofwaverlybarkpark
Friends of Wildwood friendsofwildwood
Friends of Winthrop Operation Playground friendsofwinthropoperationplayground
Frontier Rotary Club frontierrotaryclub
Fruitport Community Schools fruitport
FTC Oklahoma City -Employees` Club ftcoklahomacity
Furry Angels K9 Rescue Inc furryangelsk9rescue
Fyffe Athletic Club fyffeathleticclub
Galesburg Augusta Community Schools galesburgaugustacommunityschools
Galway Veterans Committee galwayveteranspark
Gamma Upsilon Chapter of Sigma Pi Housing sigmapi
Gar-Field High School garfieldboosters
Garden Joy gardenjoy
Garden Oaks Montessori Magnet PTO gardenoaksmontessorimagnetpto
Garden of Grace Community Garden gardenofgrace
Garner Public Library Foundation garnerpubliclibraryfoundation
Gatesville Chamber of Commerce gatesvillechamberofcommerce
Gavin's Eagle Project at Asbury gavinsproject
Gemini Elementary PTO geminielementaryschool
General Squier Playground Fund generalsquierplaygroundfund
Genesis House genesishouserenovation
Geneva Grotto Organization ggo
Georgetown First United Methodist Church georgetownfumc
Geyser Community Hall geysercommunityhall
GGC Gardens and Beautification Committee gardensofgulfcove
Giggle and Grow giggleandgrow
Gilbert Sister Cities gilbertsistercities
Girl Scout Troop 60487 girlscoutt60487
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama girlscoutsofnorthcentralalabama
Gladwyne Free Library gladwynefreelibrary
Glen Oaks Swim and Tennis Club glenoaksswimandtennisclub
Glendale Area Garden Club glendaleareagardenclub
Glendora National Little League glendoranationallittleleague
Glenville Communities Inc glenvillecommunity
Go Big Paintball gobigpaintball
Gonzales Community Presbyterian Church gonzalescommunitypresbyterianchurch
Good Shepherd Catholic School goodshepherdcatholicschool
Good Shepherd Day School goodshepherd
Good Shepherd Gracenter goodshepherdgracenter
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church goodshepherdlutheran
Goodwill Industries of Southwest Florida goodwillswfl
Goodwill Midlands Installation goodwillmsc
Goodwill Upstate Installation goodwillusc
Gordons Pass Memorial gordonspassmemorial
Grace Christian Academy gracechristianacademy
GRACE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL gracechristianschool
Grace Community Church of Seal Beach gracecommunitychurchofsealbeach
Grace Episcopal Church graceepiscopalchurch
Grace Lutheran Church gracelutheranchurchct
Grace Lutheran Church MN gracelutheranchurch
Grace United Methodist Church graceunitedmethodistchurch
Gracies Acres graciesacres
Grahem Herbers VFW Post 3084 grahemherbersvfwpost3084
Granby Elementary School granby
Grandin Court Baptist Church grandincourtbaptistchurch
Grass Lake Veterans Memorial grasslakeveteransmemorial
Grateful Rescue & Sanctuary Memorial Brick Fundraiser gratefulrescuesanctuary
Great Bend Bat Cats Baseball Club batcats
Great Bridge Battlefield & Waterways History Museum gbbattlefield
Greater Haven of Rest Church ghor
Greater Phillip Temple AOH Church aohchurch
Greater Plainfield Habitat for Humanity gphabitat
Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Resurrection greekorthodoxchurchoftheholyresurrection
Green Township PTA greenhillsschoolplayground
Green Valley Elementary Schools PTO gvesgators
Green Valley High School Alumni Foundation greenvalleyhighschoolalumnifoundation
Greene Hills Family Campground & RV Park greenehillsfamilycampgroundandrvpark
Greenfield Baseball Association gfbaseball
Greenhill Humane Society greenhillhs
Greenwood Lake Centennial Park gwlcentennial
Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship Inc groovephigroovesocialfellowship
Grosse Ile Golf and Country Club grosseilegolfandcountryclub
GUAAKS guaaks
Guadalupe Center guadalupecenter
Gulf Breeze High School Lady Dolphin Softball gulfbreezehighschoolladydolphinsoftball
Gulf Coast Cross Project gulfcoastcrossproject
Gulf Shores Methodist Church gulfshoresmethodistchurch
GWHS Maroons Baseball & Softball Fundraiser gwmaroons
GWL Skatepark Corp Personalized Bricks gwlskateparkcorp
Habitat for Humanity of Champaign County habitatforhumanityofchampaigncounty
Habitat for Humanity of Lake Sumter habitatforhumanitylakesumter
Half Hollow Hills East Booster Club halfhollowhillseast
Halifax Community College Foundation halifaxcc
Halifax County Historical Society halifaxcountyhistoricalsociety
Halifax Village Association hva
Hamburg Public Library hamburgpubliclibrary
Hammond Presbyterian Church hammondpresbyterianchurch
Hanna Center hannacenter
Harbor Oaks harboroaks
Harbour House Museum harbourhm
Hardeman County Historical Society hardemancountyhistoricalmuseums
Hardin Valley Hawks Baseball hardinvalleyhawksbaseball
Harnett Health Foundation, Inc harnetthealthfoundation
Harpeth Football Booster Club harpethfootballboosterclub
Harp`s Crossing Academy hcca
HARROGATE harrogate
Hastings Park And Recreation Commission hastingsparkandrecreationcommission
Hauppauge Little League hauppaugelittleleague
Hauppauge Youth Organization hauppaugeyouthorganization
Haverhill Memorial VFW Post 5245 haverhillmemorialvfwpost5245
Hayden High School haydenbaseball
Hazel Green High School Band hazelgreenhsband
Hazen High School hazenhighschool
HBHS OILERS BASEBALL hbhsoilersbaseball
HBR FFA Alumni hbrffaalumni
Healing Acres Never Again healingacresneveragain
Heards Ferry Elementary School heardsferryelementary
Heart Lake Association heartlake
Heart of Ohio Family Health heartofohiofamilyhealth
Helena Athletic Association helenaathleticassociation
Helotes Humane Society heloteshumanesociety
Henry’s Home Horse and Human Sanctuary henryshome
Hereford High School PTSA herefordhighschoolptsa
Heros Bridge herosbridge
High Point Pentecostal Church highpointpentecostalchurch
High Point Veterans Memorial highpointveteransmemorial
Highland Goffes Falls School highlandgoffesfallsschool
Highland High School Beach Volleyball highlandhighschool
Hill Elementary hillelementary
Hillel Day School Brick Campaign hilleldayschoolofmetropolitandetroit
Hillsborough Elementary School hillsboroughelementaryschool
Hillsdale County Parks Commission lewisemerypark
Hinsdale Middle School hinsdalemiddleschool
Historic Grand Cane Association historicgrandcaneassociation
Historic Stanton Inc historicstantoninc
Holbrook United Methodist Church holbrook
Holcomb Education Foundation holcombeducationfoundation
Holden Beach VFW Post 8866 holdenbeachvfwpost8866
Holden Parks and Recreation holdenparksandrecreation
Holly Springs Baptist Church hsbcplayground
Holy Family Catholic School holyfamilycatholicschool
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church holyredeemercatholicchurch
Holy Rosary Redevelopment Corporation holyrosaryredevelopmentcorporation
Holy Spirit Catholic Church holyspiritcchurch
Holy Spirit Catholic Parish hollyspiritcatholicparish
Holy Spirit Retreat Center holyspiritretreatcenter
Holy Trinity Church holytrinitychurch
Holyrood Park Committee holyroodparkcommittee
Homer Community Schools homercommunityschools
Homestead Community homesteadcommunity
HomeStretch Inc homestretchinc
Honeoye Falls Mendon Rotary Club honeoyefallsmendonrotaryclub
Hoover High School Athletics hooverhighschoolathletics
Hop on Home Rabbit Sanctuary hoponhomerabbitsanctuary
Hope Ranch hoperanch
HOPE Sheds Light hopeshedslight
Hope United Methodist Church Inc. hopeumc
Hope Valley, Inc hopevalleyinc
Horses of Tir Na Nog horsesoftirnanog
Hosanna Industries hosannaindustries
Hospice of St. Francis hospiceofstfrancisfoundation
Hotel Brotherhood USA hotelbrotherhoodusa
Houghton Lake State Airport / Roscommon Township houghtonlakestateairport
Hound Dog Commons hounddogcommons
House on the Rock Church houseontherockchurch
Houston Mini Pig Rescue and Farm Sanctuary houstonminipigs
Human Milk Repository of New Mexico humanmilkrepositoryofnewmexico
Humane Society of Deaf Smith County humanesocietyofdeafsmithcounty
Humane Society of Sonoma County humanesocietyofsonomacountysantarosa
Humane Society of Southern Wisconsin humanesocietyofsouthernwisconsin
Huntingdon County Humane Society huntingdoncountyhumanesociety
Huntington Fire Company No 3 huntingtonfirecompany
Huron Pointe Yacht Club hpyc
Huron Township Historical Commission hurontownshiphistoricalcommission
Hustisford Historical Society hustisfordhistoricalsociety
Hylen Souders Elementary PTO hylensouderselementarypto
Hype Athletics Community hypeathletics
Idaho Alpha Pi Beta Phi idahoalphatest
Iglesia Cristiana Shekinah iglesiacristianashekinah
IguanaLand iguanaland
Illinois Physical Therapy Association illinoisphysicaltherapyassociation
Illinois Rock & Roll Museum on Route 66 illinoisrockandrollmuseumonroute66
Immokalee Fire Control District Station 30 immokaleefirecontroldistrict
Immokalee Fire Control Station 32 immokaleefirecontroldistrict32
IMPACT CHURCH OF THE WOODLANDS impactchurchofthewoodlands
In Love & Support momofanangel
Indee Bark Park indeebarkpark
Independent Fire Company of Belford ifirecob
Indiana Military Veterans HOF indianamilitaryveteranshof
Indio Station MWR indiostationmwr
Inlets Memorial Garden inletsmemorialgarden
Interfaith of The Woodlands interfaithofthewoodlands
International Union of Elevator Constructors internationalunionofelevatorconstructors
Intruder Association intruderassociation
Invisible Wounds Memorial invisiblewoundsmemorial
Irmo High School Education Foundation irmohighschoolbricks
Iron County Medical Care Facility ironcountymedicalcarefacility
Iron Kettle Brewing ironkettlebrewing
Isaiah Alonso Memorial Playground Project isaiahalonsomemorialplaygroundproject
Islamic Academy of New England iane
Islamic Academy of Youngstown islamicacademyofyoungstown
Israel CME Church israelcmeprayergarden
Jackson County Chamber of Commerce jccoc
Jackson County Veterans Memorial Park jacksoncountyveteransmemorial
Jacksonville Equestrian Center nfes
James Island Outreach jamesislandoutreach
JCSE Veterans Association jcsememorialfund
Jeanette Hunt Blair Animal Shelter jeanettehuntblairanimalshelter
Jefferson County Comprehensive Services jeffersoncountycomprehensiveconnections
Jefferson Township Alumni Association jeffersontownshipalumniassociation
Jemison Intermediate and Jemison Elementary jemisonintermediateandjemisonelementary
Jermyn Youth Sports Association jermynyouthsportsassociation
Jersey Shore United Inc. jerseyshoreu
Jewish Community Center of Harrison jewishcommunitycenterofharrison
Jewish Community Center on the Hudson jewishcommunitycenteronthehudson
Jewish Federation of Greater Naples jewishfederation
JF Webb Booster Club jfwebb
Jobs4U Inc jobs4uinc
John Mitchell Lodge 1401 johnmlodge1401
John P Fields johnpfields
John R. Webb VFW Post 3285 johnrwvfwpost3285
Johnsonburg Community Center johnsonburgcc
Jonesville Christian Church jonesvillechristianchurch
Juan Diego Academy jdalegacy
Junior League of Central Westchester juniorleagueofcentralwestchester
Junior League of Duluth juniorleagueofduluth
K-Town Plaza Committee ktownplaza
Kaden s Eagle Scout Project kesp
Kansas Learning Center for Health kansaslearningcenterofhealth
Kappa Alpha Order kappaalphaorder
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc cckapf
Kappa Delta -Sigma Tau kappads
Katy ISD Athletic Hall of Honor katyisdathletichallofhonor
Kaweah Health Foundation kaweahhf
KC DOG Lions Dog Park kcdoglionsdogpark
Keep-Zimmer VFW Post 1782 vfwpost1782
Kelleys Island Historical Association kelleysislandhistorical
Kendrick Lakes Elementary School kendricklakeselementaryschool
Kennesaw Mountain Mustangs Lacrosse kennesawmountainmustangslacrosseclub
Kennewick National Youth Baseball kennewicknationalyouthbaseball
Kentucky State Police Trooper Island trooperisland
Kerr Vance Academy kerrvance
Key Peninsula Lutheran Church keypeninsulalutheranchurch
King George Athletic Boosters kgab
King Philip Pop Warner and Cheer kpchiefs
Kingdom Builders Worldwide kingdombuildersworldwide
Kingdom Life Church kingdomlifechurch
Kingston Cove Yacht Club kingstoncoveyachtclub
Kingsville Volunteer Fire Company kingsvillevolunteerfirecompany
Kingsway Youth Lacrosse Association kingsway
Kittery Firefighters Association kitteryfirefightersassociation
Kitty Bungalow kittybungalow
Kiwanis Club of East Huntington kiwanisclubofeasthuntington
Kiwanis Club of Hampstead hampsteadkiwanisparkinc
Knights of Columbus knightsofcolumbus
Knights Of Columbus Council 8808 knightsofcolumbusholyspiritcatholicchurch
Knights Sports Boosters knightssportsboosters
Korean Church of Westchester kcwny
Kuszlyk Equestrian Center kuszlykequestriancenter
LaBelle Downtown Revitalization Corp. labelledowntown
Lacawac Sanctuary lacawacsanctuary
Lackawanna MS HS PTSA lackawannaptsa
Lafayette Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority lafayetteadst
Lafayette High School lafayettehs
Lake County Dog Shelter lakecountydogshelter
Lake County Veterans Memorial lakecountyveteransmemorial
Lake Fairways Veterans Memorial lakefairwaysveteransmemorial
Lake Forest Animal Hospital lakeforestanimalhospital
Lake Lure Classical Academy lakelureclassicalacademy
Lake Park Elementary PTO lakeparkelementarypto
Lakengren Activities & Entertainment lakengrenactivitiesandentertainment
Lakes International Language Academy lakesinternationallanguageacademy
Lakewood Yacht Club lakewoodyachtclub
Lambo Veteran Memorial Fund/ Skiatook Veteran Park skiatookveteranspark
Landing Zone Grace Warrior Retreat lzgracewarriorretreat
Landrum Middle School PTO landrummiddleschoolpto
Lathrop Garden Club lathropantiqueassociation
Laughlin Memorial Library laughlinmemoriallibrary
Laurel Ridge jenkinshall
Laurel Ridge Community College laurelridge
Lavallette School lavalletteschool
lax hut village laxhutvillage
LayAli Women Transitional Housing layaliwomentransitionalhousing
LBCAA lbcaa
LCCOA lccoa
Leadership Eagle Pass leadershipeaglepass
Leadership Macon 2014 ingrampye
League City Dog Park Association leaguecitydogpark
Lecanto High School lecantohighschool
Lee Conlee House leeconleehouse
Leeway Leaders in AIDS Care leeway
Lefthand Fire lefthandfire
Legacy Park legacypark
LegacySchoolPAB legacyschoolpab
Lehi City lehiparkstrailsandtreescommittee
LeTourneau University letourneauuniversityathletics
Levi E Coe Library leviecoelibrary
Lexington Little League Park Renovation lexingtonlittleleague
Libbys Legacy libbyslegacy
Liberty Elementary Academic Fund libertyelementaryacademicfund
Liberty Haven Farm libertyhavenfarm
Liberty Lake Lions Club libertylake
Liberty Tree Academy libertytreeacademy
Life Church of Carthage lifechurchofcarthage
Lighthouse Christian Academy lighthousechristianacademy
Lincoln Band Boosters lincolnbandboosters
Lincolnville Museum and Culture Center lincolnvillemuseumandculturecenter
Linden Public House lindenpublichouse
Linden Softball lindensoftball
Litchfield Racquet and Paddle LLC litchfieldracquetandpaddlellc
Live Oak Athletic Boosters liveoakathleticboosters
Living River Chapel livingriverchapel
Loaves & Fishes Hospitality House loavesfisheshospitalityhouse
Loaves and Fishes loavesandfishesofclarksville
Logan County Humane Society logancountyhumanesociety
Loma Verde Elementary lomaverde
Long Island Aquarium longislandaquarium
Long Lake Lutheran Church longlakeluth
Longmeadow Montessori Internationale longmeadowmontessoriinternationale
Los Alisos Middle School losalisosgardenclub
Los Cerritos Elementary loscerritoselementary
Louisville Nature Center louisvillenaturecenter
LovABLE SERVICES INC lovableservicesinc
Loyal Order Of Moose Lodge 1263 loyalorderofmooselodge1263
Luther Park Campus lutherparkcampus
Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer lutheranchurchofourredeemer
Luverne High School Football luvernehighschoolfootball
Lynchburg Police Foundation lynchburgpolicefoundation
Lynnhaven Masonic Lodge 220 lynnhavenmasoniclodge220
M.I.A Maddox Investing In America, Inc miafoodbank
Madonna High School madonnahighschool
Magic City Agriculture Project magiccityagricultureproject
Magnolia Youth Football Association myfa
Main Street Blytheville msblytheville
Maine Republican Party mainerepublicanparty
Malakoff Education Foundation malakoffeducationfoundation
Malcom J Mayo VFW Post 5422 vfwpost5422
Manchester High School mhslancerlegacy
Manheim Palm Beach manheimpalm
Manteca High School mantecahighschool
Maranacook Area maranacookarea
Marc Dunworth Foundation for the Performing Arts dunworthfoundation
Marcellas Community SafeHouse, Inc. marcellascommunitysafehouse
Marco Island Academy Public Charter High School marcoislandacademypubliccharterhighschool
Marco Island Center for the Arts marcoislandscfa
Marco Island Yacht Club marcoislandyachtclub
Maria Regina High School mariareginahighschool
Marine Corps League Conley Det 1477 marinecorpsleague1477
Marion County Agricultural Fair Association Inc marioncountyagriculturalfairassociation
Marissa Fire Department marissafiredepartment
Marksmanship Training Center marksmanshiptrainingcenter
Mars Hill Church Preschool marshillchurchpreschool
Marsh Creek Eagles marshcreekeagles
Marshfield Area Pet Shelter marshfieldareapetshelter
Marsing High School marsinghighschool
Mary Queen of the Universe Catholic Church maryqueenoftheuniversecatholicchurch
Marys Rosary Garden marysrosarygarden
Matteson Lodge 175 mattesonlodge175
McDonald County Baseball Booster Club mcdonaldcountybaseballboosterclub
McGuffey Alumni Foundation mcguffey
Meadowlark Elementary School drylandriverwalk
Medford Lakes Country Club medfordlakescountryclub
Melba Bishop Pickleball Association mbpba
Meme s Place Playground memesplaceplayground
Memorial Baptist School memorialbaptistschool
Memorial for Adrian and David memorialforadriananddavid
Memorial Park District memorialparkdistrict
Miami University Rowing Club miamiuniversityrowingclub
Michael A Monsoor VFW Post 2082 vfw2082
Michiana Echo michianaecho
Mid Atlantic Air Museum WWII AAF Control Tower midatlanticairmuseumcontroltower
Mid Valley Elementary PTO midvalleypto
Mike Pettine Foundation mikepettinefoundation
Milan TN Downtown Association milandowntownassociation
Miles College milescollege
Military Order of The Cootie, Pup Tent 10 mocapuptent10
Military Street Baptist Church militarystreetbaptistchurch
Millennial Christian School millennialchristianschool
Mills Gymnastic Booster Club millsgymnasticboosterclub
Milton Area School District pantherlegacy
Milton National Little League miltonnationallittleleague
Miracle Academy Preparatory School miracleacademy
Mishawaka Troop Town mishawakatrooptown
Mission Hills PTO missionhillspto
Mission Valley Golf and Country Club missionvalley
Missouri Quilt Museum missouriquiltmuseum
MMC Community School District mmccschooldistrict
Mohave Alumni Association mohavealumniassociation
Mohawk Hudson Humane Society mohawkhumanesociety
Moms Club of Fresno North thefresnodiscoverycenter
Monarch Golf Club monarchgolfclub
Moncks Corner A M E Church monckscornerame
Mondak Animal Rescue mondakanimalrescue
Monroe Downtown childerspark
Monroe Lions Club monroelionsclub
Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center veteransoutreach
Montclair Courts montclaircourts
Monte Vista Elementary School montevistaelementaryschool
Montford Park Players montfordparkplayers
Moorefield High School moorefieldhighschool
Moorpark College EATM moorparkcollegeeatm
Moraine Preservation Fund morainepreservationfund
Morning Star Baptist Church morningstarchurch
Morris Habitat for Humanity morrishabitat
Morris Habitat for Humanity RHS randolphhs
Morris Plains Co-op Play School morrisplainscoopplayschool
Mortimer Jordan High School PTSA mortimerjordanhighschoolptsa
Mosaic Church mosaicchurch
Moses Merrill Camp and Conference Center mosesmerrillcampandconferencecenter
Mother Catherine Spalding School mcss
Mothers Milk Bank of North Texas mothersmilkbank
Moundridge Dog Park committee moundridgedogparkcommittee
Mount Pleasant Athletic Boosters mountpleasantathleticboosters
Mount Zion Baptist Church Homecoming Committee mountzionbaptistchurchhomecomingcommittee
Mountain View Athletic Association mvaa
MS Beta Chapter Pi Beta Phi House Corporation msbetabrickcampaign
Mt Olive Lutheran Church mtolivesa
Mt Olivet Missionary Baptist Church mountolivetmbc
Mt Tabor Grand Lodge mttaborgrandlodge
Mt Vernon Baptist Church mtvernonbaptistchurch
Mudpuppy Palace mudpuppypalace
Mukwonago Animal Hospital mukwonagoanimalhospital
Multiple Sclerosis Research Institute msritilefundraisingcampaign
Muncy School District Foundation muncyschooldistrictfoundation
Murchison MMS PTA murchisonmmspta
Murchison MMS PTA , Texas murchisonpta
Murray County High School Athletics mchs
Murray Pickleball Association murraypickleball
MV Sharks Baseball Foundation, Inc. vineyardbaseballmvsharks
MW St James Grand Lodge mwstjamesgrandlodge
My Angel With Paws, Inc myangelwithpawsinc
My Warriors Place firepitgoldaward
MYSA AJAX Soccer mysa
Nacitone Foundation Inc. nacitonefoundation
Nam Vets Association of the Cape and Islands graceveterans
Naples Lionel Train Museum napleslioneltrainmuseum
Naples Preschool of the Arts naplespreschoolofthearts
NAS Lemoore Aviator Memorial Association naslemooreama
Nashua North Athletic Booster Club nhnabc
Nat M. Washer Lodge 1270 natmwasherlodge
Natchitoches Regional Medical Center Foundation nrmcfoundation
Natick High School natickhighschool
National Alumni Association of Stillman College thehistoricstillmanhousenationalalumniassociationofstillmancollege
National Flag Day Foundation nfdf
National Medal of Honor Heritage Center medalofhonor
National Museum of WWII Aviation Brick Order Form nationalmuseumofworldwariiaviation
National Prayer Garden nationalprayergarden
Naval Helicopter Association Historical Society Inc nhahs
Navesink Hook and Ladder Co #1 navesinkfire
NCHS PTO nchpto
Nebraska P. E. O. Home npeohome
New Boston N.H. Fire Department newbostonnh
New Creation UMC newcreationumc
New England Youth Theatre newenglandyouththeatre
New Hampshire Academy of Artistic Gymnastics nhaag
New Hope Community Church newhopecommunitychurch
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church newhopemissionarybaptistchurch
New Hope UME Church newhopeume
New Horizons Christian Church newhorizonschristianchurch
New Horizons Regional Education Centers newhorizonsregionaleducationcenters
New Lane Memorial Elementary PTA newlanememorialelementarypta
New Life Christian Center Int newlifechristiancenter
New Life Tabernacle UPC newlifetabernacleupc
New Prospect Elementary Brick Path for Families newprospectelementarybrickpathforfamilies
New Prospect Elementary Business Sponsor Brick Path newprospectelementarybusinesssponsorbrickpath
New St Paul AME Church newstpaulame
New Vision Charter School newvisioncharterschool
Newberg Animal Shelter Friends newberganimals
NewBridge Services Inc newbridgeservices
Newbury Park Adventist mynpaa
Newfane Alumni Association newfanealumni
Newfane Veterans Memorial Park newfaneveteransmemorialpark
Newport Dog Park newportdogpark
Next Stop JUNIOR GOLD juniorgold
Niagara Post Theater Inc. niagaraposttheater
Night Stalker Association nightstalkerassociation
Normandale Community College Foundation normandalecommunitycollegefoundation
North Allegheny northallegheny
North Bay Village northbayvillage
North Brunswick Athletic Booster Club northbrunswickscorpions
North Brunswick Foundation of Excellence northbrunswickfoundationofexcellence
North Callaway Booster Club northcallawayboosterclub
North Callaway Performing Arts northcallawayperformingarts
North Carolina Therapeutic Riding Center northcarolinatherapeuticridingcenter
North Florida Christian School nfclegacy
North Forney High School northforneyhighschool
North Fort Myers Red Knight Foundation northfortmyersredknightfoundation
North Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church northhopewellmissionarybaptistchurch
North Oakland Community Charter School northoaklandcommunitycharterschool
North Pitt High School northpitthighschool
North Side Movement northsidemovement
North Star Clay Target northstarclaytarget
NORTHEAST ALUMNI ASSOCIATION northeastalumniassociation
Northeast Georgia Animal Shelter negas
Northern New Jersey Veterans Memorial Cemetery northernnjveteransmemorialcemeterybrickpaverfundraiser
Northside PAW Club northsidemiddleschoolpawclub
Northview High School northviewhighschool
Northwest Area Cross Country nwareahs
Northwoods Animal Shelter northwoodsanimalshelter
Norwalk Seaport Association norwalkseaportassociation
Notre Dame Catholic School ndcsfl
Notre Dame High School notredamehighschool
NRMS Greenhouse Building Project, Inc. nrmsgreenhousebuildingprojectinc
NTRA Inc ntrainc
Nuremberg Annual Celebration Committee nurembergcelebration
Nut Tree Plaza nuttree
NWUUC nwuuc
O Live Church of God in Christ olivechurchofgodinchrist
Oak Mountain High School oakmountainhighschool
Oak School PTO oakschoolpto
Oakridge Private School oakridgeprivateschool
Oakview Elementary School PTA oakviewelementaryschoolpta
Oblong Chamber of Commerce oblongchamber
Ocean City High School Crew Boosters oceancityhighschoolcrewboosters
Ocoee Church of God ocoeechurchofgod
Odyssey Charter School PTO Grades 6-8 odysseycharterschoolptogrades6to8
Oglethorpe Presbyterian Preschool oglethorpepresbyterianpreschool
Oil City Junior Baseball oilcityjuniorbaseball
Oklahoma City Indian Clinic okcic
Oklahoma Panhandle State University oklahomapanhandlestateuniversity
Old Union Elementary PTO oues
Old Union Elementary School oldunionelementaryschoolpto
Oldham County Historical Society oldhamcountyhistoricalsociety
Oldsmar Cares oldsmarcares
Oliver Baer Eagle Scout Project-Stedman VFD Memorial stedmanvfdmemorial
OLSS olss
Olympia Diamond Backers olympiadiamondbackers
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc omegaipsiphifraternity
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated omegapsiphifraternityincorporated
One Sumter Foundation onesumter
Opdal Preservation opdalpreservation
Opengate, Inc opengate
Operation Breakthrough operationbreakthrough
Operation PAR operationpar
Operation Welcome Home operationwelcomehome
Opportunity 1888 Foundation Inc opportunity1888
Opportunity Center for the Homeless homelessopportunitycenter
Orchard Park Elementary orchardparkelementary
Order Brick for Legion Park Veterans Pathway americanlegionparkproject
Osawatomie Rotary Community Fund osawatomierotarycommunityfund
Oscars Cause oscarscause
Osseo Baseball Booster Club osseobaseballboosterclub
Ossian Dog Park theboneyardatossiandogpark
Our Lady of Fatima Church ourladyoffatimachurch
Our Lady of Grace School ourladyofgraceschool
Our Lady of Lourdes Roman Catholic Church ourladyoflourdesromancatholicchurch
Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Catholic Church ourladyofperpetualhelp
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church olphcctx
Our Lady of The Blue Ridge Catholic Church ourladyoftheblueridgecatholicchurch
Our Lady Queen of Angels olqoa
Our Lady Star of the Sea olssac
Our Mother`s Home ourmothershome
Our Place ourplace
Our Savior Catholic Church oursaviorcatholicparish
Out Of Africa Wildlife Park boomboommemorialbricks
Pace Brantley Preparatory School pacebrantleyprep
Pajarito Environmental Education Center pajaritoeec
Palestine Tomorrow, Inc palestinetomorrowinc
Palmer Ridge High School Baseball palmerridgehighschoolbaseball
Palmetto Middle School PTSA palmettomiddleschool
Panfork Baptist Encampment panforkcamp
Papa Johns International papajohnsinternational
Paris Improvement Organization parisimprovementorg
Park Village Foundation parkvillagefoundation
Parkview FFA Alumni parkviewffaalumni
Parkway School parkwayschool
Pascagoula Parks and Recreation pascagoulaparksandrecreation
Paseo Master HOA paseohoabrickproject
Patriots for the Somers Mansion patriotsforthesomersmansion
Patterson Mill Athletic Boosters pattersonmillathleticboosters
Pattison Elementary pattisonelementarypto
Paul Duke STEM High School PTSA pauldukestemptsa
Paulsboro Sportsmens Association paulsborosportsmensassociation
Pave The Wave pavethewave
Pave the Way assistanceleague
Paw Paws Pet Rescue pawpawspetrescue
Paws for a Cause Vet Clinic spayillinois
Paws For Life Inc pawsforlifeinc
PAWS of Hertford County pawsofhertfordcounty
Paws To The Rescue MCAS pawstotherescue
PCOM Public Health Club pcompublichealthclub
Peace River Wildlife Center prwc
Pekin Main Street pchs
Pelican Preserve Community Association pelicanpreserve
Pemberton Township High School pembertontownshiphighschool
Pembroke Academy Bicentennial Committee pembrokeacademybicentennialcommittee
Pembroke Three Rivers School pembrokethreeriversdiscoveryarea
Pendleton Veterinary Clinic pendletonveterinaryclinic
Pennfield Schools pennfieldschools
Penns Valley EMS pennsvalleyems
Pennsville Rotary pennsvillerotary
Permian High School Baseball Booster Club permianbaseballboosterclub
Perryville MD Little League Inc perryvillemdlittleleagueinc
Pet Play Place petplayplace
Petersburg Area Art League petersburgareaartleague
Pets Stop Here Rescue petsstophererescue
Peyton High School peytonhighschool
Phi Gamma Delta phigammadelta
Phi Kappa Psi phipsi
Phillips Wharf Environmental Center phillipswharfenvironmentalcenter
Pi Kappa Alpha pikappaalpha
Picayune Touchdown Club picayunetouchdownclub
PicklePlex of Punta Gorda, Inc pickleplexofpuntagorda
Piedmont Womens Center piedmontwomenscenter
Pigeon Community Multicultural Development Center pcmdc
PIKES PEAK ATHLETICS pikespeakathletics
Pine Castle Woman's Club pinecastlewomansclub
Pine Island Cove Mens Club pineislandcovemensclub
Pine Run BPW Social Club pinerunbpwsocialclub
PineCone Park Association pineconeparkassociation
Pinellas Preparatory Academy Inc pinellaspreparatoryacademyinc
Pink Ribbon Garden Project pinkribbongarden
Pioneer Congregational Church pioneercongregationalchurch
Pioneer Springs Community School pioneersprings
Pipers Landing YCC piperslandingycc
Pitman Development Foundation pitmandevelopmentfoundation
Pivot Ministries pivotministries
Plainfield North Marching Band plainfieldnorthmarchband
Plattduetsche Home Society pldsl
Pleasant Valley School District pleasantvalleyschooldistrict
PMSCMemorial pmscmemorial
Point Pleasant Soccer pointpleasantsoccer
Point Pleasant Wrestling Boosters pointpleasantwrestlingboosters
Point University pointuniversity
Polish American String Band polishamericanstringband
Pond Cove Playground Committee pondcoveplaygroundcommittee
Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration poorclaresofperpetualadoration
Popes Museum Preservation popesmuseum
Poplar Point Camp poplarpointcamp
Port Jewish Center portjewishcenter
Port Neches - Groves High School pngisd
Port Orange Community Trust portorangecommunitytrust
Port Orchard Public Market popm
Post 200 Community Center post200communitycenter
Post Oak Club postoakclub
Poulsbo Sons of Norway Lodge 44 poulsbosonsofnorway
Presbyterian Counseling Center presbyteriancounselingcenter
Price York Rite priceyorkrite
Prince Of Peace Catholic Church princeofpeacecatholicchurch
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church princeofpeacelutheranchurch
Princess Anne County - VA Beach Historical Society pacvbhs
Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) pawsadoptioncenter
Project Love Food Pantry projectlovefoodpantry
Project STEAL projectsteal
Providence School providenceschool
PS 62 PTA ps62pta
PS Jones High School Alumni psjoneshighschoolalumni
Psi Delta Omega psideltaomega
PSJA Education Foundation psjaeducationfoundation
PTSD Veterans Village ptsdveteransvillage
Pulaski-Boylston Snowmobile Club pbsnowmobilec
Punta Gorda Elks Lodge 2606 elkslodge2606
Purchase Community House purchasecommunityinc
PWC Dogs pwcdogs
Quality Life Center of Southwest Florida qualitylifecenterofswfl
Queen of Peace Roman Catholic Church queenofpeaceromancatholicchurch
Radnor Hunt radnorhunt
Raising Danes LLC raisingdanesllc
Raleigh Community Church of Christ (RC3) raleighcommunitychurch
Rancho High School ranchohighschool
Rancho Murieta Pickleball Club rmpickleballclub
Rancho Sienna Elementary ranchosiennaelementary
Ranger Pride Education Foundation rangerpride
Rao Musunuru, M.D. Museum & Library westpascohistoricalsociety
Rapid Mental Healing For Veterans rmhfv
Rays for Rams raysforrams
Redding Tai Chi reddingtaichi
Redemption Christian Center redemptionchristiancenter
Redwings Horse Sanctuary redwingshorsesanctuary
Reedsport Main Street Program reedsportmainstreet
Reeves Grove Historic Church Committee reevesgrovehistoricchurchcommittee
Regional Animal Shelter regionalanimalshelter
Reid's Journey - Playground reidsjourney
Reno Tahoe Airport Authority renotahoeairportauthority
Renz Addiction Counseling Center renzaddictioncounselingcenter
Reservation Golf Club reservationgc
Resurrection of the Lord Catholic Church resurrectionofthelordcatholicchurch
Revere Veteran Services revereveteranservices
Rhode Island Association of Fire Chiefs Foundation riafcfoundation
Richard L Vanover Veterans Village,Inc vanoverveteransvillage
RICHMOND COUNTY HOSPICE INC richmondcountyhospice
Ridge Road School PTA ridgeroadschoolpta
Ridgeland Hardeeville High School Athletic Booster Club ridgelandhardeevilleathleticboosterclub
Ridgeway Lodge 104 ridgewaylodge104
Ridgewood School Garden cuttenridgewoodgarden
Ridin High Cowboy Church ridinhighcowboychurch
Rise and Shine Initiative riseandshineinitiative
Ritchie County Humane Society Inc ritchiecountyhumanesociety
Ritz Company Playhouse ritzplayhouse
River Chase Veterans Association riverchaseveteransassociation
River Mill Academy rivermillacademy
River Mill Elementary rivermillelementary
River Reach Foundation riverreachfoundation
River Valley Falcons Football rivervalleyfalcons
Riviera Theatre & Organ Preservation Society, Inc rivieratheatre
Roanoke Beautification Foundation roanokebf
Robert A Taft High School Educational Foundation robertatafthighschooleducationalfoundation
Robert A Toombs- SCV Camp #932 sonsofscv932
Robstown High School robstownhs
Rock Rugby WALK OF HONOR rockrugby
Rock Springs Elementary PTO rsepto
Rockenbaugh Elementary PTO rockenbaughelementarypto
Rockingham County High School Athletics rockinghamcountyhsathletics
Rockport Little Theatre rockportlittletheatre
Rockwood Residents Foundation rockwoodresidentsfoundation
Roeland Park United Methodist Church roelandparkumc
Roger Miller Hometown Mural Project Committee rogermillermuralproject
Roosevelt School rooseveltschool
Rotary Club of Granite Bay granitebayrotaryclub
Rotary Miracle Field Foundation rotarymiraclefieldfoundation
Round Hill Elementary School PTA roundhillelementaryschoolpta
Rouse Raider Baseball Booster Club rouseraider
Rowayton School PTA rowaytonschoolpta
Royal Palm Academy royalpalmacademy
Ruben Mendoza Memorial rubenmendozamemorial
Rudder High School Senior Class rudderhighschool
Rumney Bible Conference rumneybibleconference
Russell Vision Development Center russellvisiondevelopmentcenter
Rutherford County Honor Guard rutherfordcountyhonorguard
Rutherford Elementary PTA rpta
Rutherfordton Kiwanis Club rutherfordtonkiwanisclub
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Parish Center sacredheartcatholicchurchcomforttx
Sacred Heart Parish sacredheartparish
Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton sacredheartschools
Saddlebrook HOA saddlebrookhoa
SAFE HAVEN ANIMAL RESCUE & KENNELS safehavenanimalrescueandkennels
Sage and SweetGrass sageandsweetgrass
Sahib Shrine - Sarasota sahibshrinesarasota
Saint Adelaide Academy saintadelaideacademy
Saint Ann School saintannschool
Saint Bernadette School saintbernadetteschool
Saint Francis Medical Center saintfrancismedicalcenter
Saint Joseph Courtyard Project stjoe
SAINT JOSEPHS CARMELITE MONASTERY saintjosephscarmelitemonastery
Saint Patrick School saintpatrickschool
Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church saintspeterandpaulukrainianorthodoxchurch
Salem Christian School scs
Salem Montessori School salemmontessori
Sample Church Site samplechurchsite
Sample site`s samplesite
Sample Veterans Memorial sampleveteransmemorial
San Diego Freedom Ranch, Inc sandiegofreedomranchinc
San Dimas High School PTSA sandimashighschoolptsa
San Jacinto County Master Gardeners sjcmastergardeners
San Marcos High School Royal Pride Foundation smhs
San Mateo Arboretum Society smas
San Tan Valley Veteran Center santanvalleyveterancenter
Sand Creek Athletic Boosters scaggies
Sandy Spring Museum sandyspringmuseum
Sanibel Siesta On The Beach, Sanibel Island, FL sanibelsiesta
Santa Fe South santafesouth
Sarah A Mooney Museum sarahamooney
Sarah Mashburn Pavilion-Wayland Bonds Elementary sarahmashburnpavilionwaylandbondselementary
SARAH Tuxis sarahtuxis
Saras Garden sarasgarden
Save A Dog Rescue saveadogrescue
Save Our Youth saveouryouth
Save the Northfield Depot savethenorthfielddepot
Sawtooth Interpretive and Historical Association siha
Scarsdale Schools Foundation scarsdaleschoolsfoundation
SCCNS sccns
School City of Whiting schoolcityofwhiting
School for Little People schoolforlittlepeople
Schoolcraft Community Schools schoolcraftcs
Scio Fairgrounds and Event Center sciofairgroundsandeventcenter
Scituate Booster Club scituatebooster
Scotia and Glenville Rotary Clubs scotiaglenvillerotaryclubs
Scotland County R-1 Schools scotlandcountyr1schools
Scranton Preparatory School scrantonpreparatoryschool
Seabeck Community Center seabeckcc
Sebring Firemen Inc sebringfiremeninc
Second Alarm Brewhouse secondalarmbrewhouse
Second Chance Cocker Rescue secondchancecockerrescue
Second Congregational Church of Hyde Park secondcongregationalchurchofhydepark
Sedgwick Historical Society sedgwickhistoricalsociety
Seger Dog Park Owners Association segerdp
Sequoia Pathfinder Academy at Eastmark PTO sequoiapathfinderacademyateastmark
Serra Baseball Booster Club serrabaseballboosterclub
Seth Boyden Demonstration School sethboydendemonstrationschool
Seth Haley PTA sethghaleypta
Settlers Landing Recreation Association settlerslandingrecreationassociation
Seven Hills Foundation sevenhillsfoundation
Seville VIA sevillevia
SGT David Isaiah LaDart Memorial healingofthewoundedspirit
Shady Oaks Camp shadyoakscamp
Shannon Air Museum shannonairmuseum
Shark Athletic Booster Club sabclub
Sharon Hill 125th Anniversary Committee sharonhillanniversarycommittee
Shawnee Early Childhood School PTA shawneeecspta
Sheep Dog Impact Assistance sheepdogia
Shelter Insurance shelterinsurance
Sheltering Hands shelteringhands
Shelton Memorial Christian Church sheltonmemorialchristianchurch
Shelton Public Schools sheltonps
Shenendehowa Football Booster Club shenendehowafootballboosterclub
Sheridan Technical College sheridantechnicalcollege
Sherrills Ford Road Baptist Church sherrillsfordroadbaptistchurch
Shimmering Smiles Healthy Hearts Foundation shimmeringsmileshealthyheartsfoundation
Shining Light Homes shininglight
Shir Chadash Conservative Congregation shirchadashconservativecongregation
Shore Haven Jr Baseball & Softball shorehavenjrbaseballandsoftball
SHS Booster Club prideofshsboosterclub
Sidney Central School District sidneycentralschool
Sierra Vista Area Habitat for Humanity sierravistaareahabitatforhumanity
Sigma Chi Zeta Xi Chapter sigmachizetaxi
Signal Mountain Lacrosse signalmountainlacrosse
Simsbury Horticultural Society simsburyhorticulturalsociety
Sinagua Middle School sinaguamiddleschool
Sixes Elementary PTA sixeselementary
SJC Skate Park Coalition sjcskateparkcoalition
Ski Heritage Center skiheritagecenter
Snell Isle Property Owners Association sipoa
Sonoma Splash Sonoma Valley High School Aquatic Center sonomasplash
Sonoma Valley High School Boosters Club sonomavalleyhighschoolboostersclub
Sons Of Confederate Veterans scv
Sons of Italy Lodge 902 sonsofitalylodge902
South Coast Lacrosse Association southcoastlacrosseassociation
South Colonie CSD iCare southcoloniecsdicare
South Orange Rescue Squad sorescuesquad
South St Marys Street Elementary Playground smasd
South Stokes High School southstokeshighschool
South Texas Aviator Memorial Association southtexasaviatormemorialassociation
South Venice Yacht Club southveniceyachtclub
Southeast Spokane County Fair Association southeastspokanecountyfairassociation
Southern Chesapeake Athletic Association scaa
Southern Colorado Band of Brothers and Sisters scbbs
Southern Guilford FFA Alumni & Supporters southernguilfordffa
southland christian ministries southlandchristianministries
Space Coast Paratroopers palmbaymemorial
Spalding County Animal Shelter spaldingcountyshelter
Sparrows Point North Point Historical Society spnphs
Speranza Animal Rescue speranzarescue
Spirit of Broadwater Organization spiritofbroadwaterorganization
Spring Area Radio Kontrol Society (SPARKS) sparks
Spring Hill High School Raiderbackers springhillhighschoolraiderbackers
Spring Valley Baseball Boosters springvalleybaseball
Springdale Elementary School Improvement Council springdale
Springfield High School Softball Boosters springfieldhssoftballboosters
Springfield Township Park springfieldtownshippark
Springville Elementary School PTO springvillepto
Springville High School springvillehighschool
Springwood Lake Camp Club springwoodlakecampclub
ST ANDREW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH standrewpresbyterianchurch
St Ann Catholic Church stanncatholicchurch
St Ann School sas50th
St Anthony Hospital chistanthonyhospital
St Armand Veterans Memorial Park starmandveteransmemorialpark
St Benedict Catholic Church stbenedict
St Benedict School stbenedictschool
St Catharine of Siena Church stcatharineofsienachurch
St Cecilia Catholic School stceciliacatholicschool
St Charles Public Works for RCF rivercorridorfoundationofsaintcharles
St Christophers stchristophers
St Clare Catholic School stclarecatholicschool
St Cyril of Jerusalem School stcyrilofjerusalemschool
St Faustina Knights of Columbus Catholic Church stfaustina
St Francis Garden stcolumbschurch
St Francis of Assisi Parish stfrancisofassisichurch
St James Catholic School stjamescatholicschool
St John Catholic School stjohncatholicschool
St John Christian Methodist Episcopal Church stjohncmechurch
St John Lutheran Church stjohnlutheranchurch
St John Neumann Eagle Project eaglescoutproject
St John the Baptist Catholic Church stjohnthebaptist
ST JOHN VIANNEY stjohnvianney
St Johns Episcopal Church stjohnscornwall
St Johns Episcopal Church Olney stjohnsepiscopalchurch
St Johns Episcopal School stjohnsepiscopalschool
St Joseph Apache Mission stjosephapachemission
St Joseph Church stjosephchurchdayton
St Josephs Parish stjosephparish
St Lawrence Altar Rosary Society stlawrencealtar
St Lawrence Church stlawrencechurch
St Mary Magdalen Parish stmarymagdalenparish
St Mary Magdalen School stmarymagdalenschool
St Marys Catholic School stmarys
St Marys School for the Deaf smsd
St Matthew Sword of the Lord Ministries stmatthew
St Matthews Lutheran Church (Eagle Scout Project) robertperryeaglescout
St Michaels Catholic Church stmichaelscatholicchurch
St Patrick Church stpatrickchuchlouky
St Paul Lutheran Church & Christian School stpaulniceville
St Paul Lutheran Church and School stpaullutheranchurch
St Paul Orthodox Church stpauldayton
St Pauls United Methodist Church stpaulsumc
St Peter Martyr School stpetermartyrschool
St Peters Church stpeterschurch
St Petersburg City Theatre spcitytheatre
St Robert Catholic School strobertcatholicschool
St Robert Veteran Memorial LLC strobertveteransmemorial
St Therese Catholic School sttheresecatholicschool
St Therese de Lisieux Catholic Church sttheresepavers
St. Ann's Catholic School stannscatholicschool
St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church saoc
St. Francis Elementary APT stfranciselementaryassociationofparentsandteachers
St. Gregory Catholic School stgspartans
St. Johns Evangelical Protestant Church stjohnepc
St. John`s Preschool stjohnsdc
St. Joseph High School stjosephhs
St. Matthew School stmatthewschool
St. Michael Episcopal Preschool smep
St. Michael Lutheran School stmichaellutheranschool
St. Norbert School stnorbertschool
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church stpaulevangelicallutheranchurch
St. Raymond School strcc
St. Rose of Lima School stroseoflimaschool
St. Therese Catholic Church stthersglo
St. Vincent de Paul Church stvincentdepaulcatholicchurch
Stafford American Legion Post 290 Inc staffordamericanlegionpost290
Stanford Free Library stanfordfreelibrary
Star Speedway starspeedway
Stepping Stones Preschool steppingstonespreschool
Sterling Golf Club sterlinggolfclub
Stewart Elementary Legacy Brick stewartelementarylegacybricks
StirringWaters stirringwaters
Stockton Civic Theatre stocktoncivictheatre
Stone Memorial High School Baseball smhspantherb
Stony Creek Elementary stonycreekelementary
Stranahan High stranahanhigh
Stratford Public School stratfordtrack
Stratham Skatepark Project strathamskateparkproject
Straws for the Earth, LLC strawsfortheearthllc
Stuart Corinthian Yacht Club scyc
Student Government Association studentgovernmentassociation
Sudden Pitch suddenpitch
Sullivan American Legion Post 68 sullivanamericanlegioncentennial
Sumac Elementary PFA sumacpfa
Summerville United Methodist Church summervilleunitedmethodistchurch
Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad summitvolunteerems
Sumter Museum sumtermuseum
Sun Cities Area Historical Society suncitiesareahistoricalsociety
Sun City Center Charitable Foundation, Inc scccharitablefoundation
Sun City Center Community Association suncitycenter
Sundance Athletic Complex sundanceathleticcomplex
Sunquam Elementary PTA sunel
Surf City Middle School surfcitymiddleschool
Suwanee Performing Arts suwaneeperforming
Swann Keys Sports Club swannkeyscivicassociation
Sweetwater Marina & Riverdeck sweetwatermarinaandriverdeck
Sycamore Springs Middle School sycamorespringsmiddleschool
T.O.M.B. District tombdistrict
Taft Public Library tafttxpublib
Tanglewood HSA tanglewoodhsa
Tates Creek tatescreek
Tau Chapter of Chi Omega Fraternity House chiomegafhc
Taylor Elementary School taylorelementaryschool
Taylors Bar & Grill taylorsbarandgrill
Taylorsville Baseball taylorsvillebaseball
Team Walker teamwalker
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael tbaypavetheway
Temple Beth El Mekor Chayim templebethelmekorchayim
Temple Beth Israel templebethisrael
Temple Sinai templesinainj
Tenino School District teninohighschool
Tennyson Middle School tennysonmiddleschool
Terre Haute Area Association of Realtors terrehauteareaassociationofrealtors
Terrell County Historic Preservation Society terrellcountyhistoricpreservationsociety
Texas Transportation Museum texastransportationmuseum
Thayer Memorial Park thayermemorialpark
The Academy of Young Scholars theacademyofyoungscholars
The Alcohol & Drug Abuse Council for the Concho Valley thealcoholanddrugabusecouncilfortheconchovalley
The American Legion Post 209 alpost209
The American Legion Wilson-Pattillo Post 62 wilsonpattillotheamericanlegionpost62texas
The Ark Family Preservation Center thearkfamily
The Arts Club of Washington theartsclubofwashington
The Backyard thebackyard
The Barn Studio of Art barnstudio
The Brittany Foundation thebrittanyfoundation
The CARE Clinic thecareclinic
The Catholic Church of Saint Mary Cherry Hill stmarycherryhill
The Center For Developmental Disabilities cddkids
The Central New York Land Trust, Inc. cnylandtrust
The Cheatham Civitan Memorial northcheathamcivitanclubveteransmemorialofpleasantview
The Childrens Schoolhouse thechildrensschoolhouse
The Church of Saint Theresa sttheresachurch
The Church of the Good Shepherd churchofgoodshepherd
The City of Campbellsburg campbellsburgstation
The City School thecityschool
The Community Path of Lynn Coalition thecommunitypathoflynncoalition
The Courage Center thecouragecenter
The Crew Center thecrewcenter
The Devoted Barn thedevotedbarn
The Eden Clinic edenclinic
The Family Treehouse Twigs twigsforkids
The Florida Ballet thefloridaballet
The Friends of Johnston Inc thefriendsofjohnstoninc
The Friends of Jonathan Dickinson State Park thefriendsofjonathandickinsonstatepark
The Friends of the Frontier Army Museum thefriendsofthefrontierarmymuseum
The Garden of Shalom gardenofshalom
The Glover School thegloverschool
The Goddard School of Ashland VA thegoddardschoolofashlandva
The Greater Marco Family YMCA greatermarcoy
The Haven thehaven
The Hiram Rosenwald School Museum hiramrosenwaldschool
The Historical Fire Station 19 Foundation thfsf
The Honor Walk at Veterans Memorial Park thehonorwalkveteransmemorialpark
The Hood Church Inc thehoodchurch
The Humane Society of Oldham County thehumanesocietyofoldhamcounty
The Ike Fund, Inc theikefund
The Indian and Forest Acres Scholarship Foundation theindianandforestacresscholarshipfoundation
The Jason Foundation jasonfoundation
The Jefferson School thejeffersonschool
The Kitchen Inc thekitcheninc
The Little Red Schoolhouse thelittleredschoolhouse
The Michigan American Legion Foundation themichiganamericanlegionfoundation
The Miles Hall Foundation themileshallfoundation
The Miracle League of Indian Trail themiracleleagueofindiantrailnc
The Miracle League of Manasota miracleleagueofmanasota
The Moors Golf and Racquet Club themoorsgolfandracquetclub
The National Association of Parliamentarians thenationalassociationofparliamentarians
The Norwegian Club of San Fransisco norwegianclub
The Ol Oak Tree Richland Springs ISD theoloaktreeproject
The Order of the Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh theorderofthefriendlysonsoftheshillelagh
The Pearl House thepearlhouse
The Pentecostal of Sterlington thepentecostalofsterlington
The Piedmont Health Care Authority piedmonthealthcare
The Pool of Life Community Church thepooloflife
The Preserve Flag thepreserveflag
The Provincetown Theater provincetowntheater
The Pup Stop By Saving With Soul savewithsoul
The Rice School PTO thericeschool
The Richmond Dog Park Committee richmonddogpark
The Rink of Dreams therinkofdreams
The Shelter Cove Arts & Recreation Foundation scarf
The Shop DSM theshopdsm
The Shore Line Trolley Museum shorelinetrolley
The Skills Center theskillscenter
The STAR Complex thestarcomplex
The Towne Creek School townecreek
The Village Nursery School thevillagenurseryschool
The Voorhees Animal Orphanage thevoorheesanimalorphanage
Thief River Area Food shelf thiefriverareafoodshelf
This Old Horse Inc thisoldhorse
Thurston High School thurstonhighschoolpeergroup
TLPOA tlpoa
Toad Suck Mini Golf toadsmg
Tobacco Farm Life Museum tobaccofarmlife
Tobey Elementary PTO tobeypto
Toledo Animal Shelter Association toledoanimalshelterassociation
Tombstone High School tombstonehighschool
TOPVETS topvets
TORCH of Hartwell Inc torchofhartwellinc
Tower Baptist Church Michael G Spencer Prayer Garden towerbaptistchurch
Town of Briarcliffe Acres townofbriarcliffeacres
Town of Canton townofcantonnorthcarolina
Town of Columbine Valley townofcolumbinevalley
Town of Crawford - Garden of Hope gardenofhope
Town of Frye Island townoffryeisland
Town of Gilbert cosmodogpark
Town of Grand Ridge townofgrandridge
Town of Hadley Veterans Memorial townofhadleycemetery
Town of Little Elm townoflittleelm
Town of Occoquan rivermillparkbricks
Town of Pomona Park townofpomonapark
Town of Rockville- Andrew Ray Veterans Memorial townrockville
Town of Waxhaw Parks & Rec Dept townofwaxhaw
Town of Weaverville townofweaverville
Town of Westerlo Public Library westerlolibrary
Town of Woodland townofwoodland
Tremont City Veterans Memorial Park tremontcityveteransmemorialpark
Tri City Health Partnership tricityhealthp
Tri Community Veterans Memorial tricommunityveteransmemorial
Trinidad Football trinidadfootball
Trinity Habitat for Humanity trinityhabitatforhumanity
Trinity Lutheran Church trinitylutheranchurch
Triple Tree Aerodrome tta
Troop #165 Mateo Pena mateoseagleproject
Troop 277, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida bsatroop277
Troop 631 troop631
True Colors Youth and Outreach Center truecolorsyoc
Trussville City Schools Foundation tcsf
Tuckahoe Elementary School tuckahoeelementaryschool
Tuckerton Lodge 4 tuckertonlodge4
Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus tucsonarizonaboyschorus
Tulsa Fire Museum tulsafiremuseum
Turks and Caicos National Museum turksandcaicosnationalmuseum
Turtleback Education Foundation turtlebackeducationfoundation
Tuskegee University Pershing Rifles Plot skegeepershingplot
Tustin Western Little League tustinwesternlittleleague
Tye Preston Memorial Library tyeprestonmemoriallibrary
Tyler Fase Eagle Project tylerfaseeagleproject
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA uocofusa
Umatilla Bulldog Boosters, Inc umatillabulldogboosters
Union Methodist Church unionmc
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bowling Green unitarianuniversalistchurchofbowlinggreen
United Indians of All Tribes Foundation unitedindiansofalltribesfoundation
United Japanese Christian Church unitedjapanesechristianchurch
United Ministry of Aurora unitedministryofaurora
Unity By The Shore unitybytheshore
Unity Church for Creative Living unitychurch
Unity North Atlanta unitynorth
Unity of Sacramento unityofsacramento
University Christian School universitychristianschool
University of Central Missouri- School of Aviation ucmaviation
University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth labyrinthfoundation
University of Mobile umobile
University of New Mexico Gallup Branch unmgallup
University Unitarian Universalist Fellowship uuuf
University United Methodist Church universityunitedmethodistchurch
Upper Saddle River Baseball Association usrdugouts
Uptown String Band uptownstringband
Urban Inter Tribal Center of Texas urbanintertribalcenteroftexas
US Veterans Hall of Fame usveteranshalloffame
USD 495 Athletic Facility usd495
USS BREMERTON Monument C/O Thomas Zwolfer bremertonsailmemorial
Utica Comets uticacomets
Uxbridge Dog Park uxbridgedogpark
Val Vista Lakes Garden Club vvlgardenclub
Valerie’s House valeriesh
Valerie`s House Pensacola valerieshousepensacola
Valley Christian Schools valleychristianschools
Valley Mills ISD valleymillsindependentschooldistrict
Valley Wide Health Systems valleywidehealthsystem
Vanada Woods Property Owners Association vwpoa
Vandiver Church of God vandiverchurchofgod
Vashon Havurah vashonhavurah
Vassar Eagles vassareaglesauxiliary
Verdugo Woodlands Elementary School verdugowoodlandselementaryschool
Verona High School veronahighschool
Veterans and First Responders Memorial veteransandfirstrespondersmemorialatfairfieldglade
Veterans Memorial Park of Boyd veteransmemorialparkofboyd
VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK OF COLUMBUS COUNTY veteransmemorialparkofcolumbuscounty
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10136 vfw10136
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6208 vfwpost6208
Veterans Park at Mission Shores veteransparkatmissionshores
VFW 5354 vfw5354
VFW Post #7508 vfwpost7508
VFW Post 10097 vfwpost10097
VFW Post 1385 vfw1385
VFW Post 1865 vfwpost1865
VFW POST 2179 vfwpost2179
VFW Post 2540 vfwpost2540
VFW Post 402 keithholmesveteransofforeignwarspost402
VFW Post 5064 vfwpost5064
VFW Post 7012 vfwpost7012
VFW POST 7264 vfwpost7264
VFW Post 9064 vfwpost9064
Vida Nueva South Bend COG vidanuevacog
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 109 vietnamveteransofamericachapter109
Village Green Foundation villagegreenfoundation
Village of Dannemora Beautification Committee dannemoravillage
Village of Hamburg Sesquicentennial Committee villageofhamburg150
Vinal Technical PFO vinaltechhsmiddletownct
Vincent High School vincenthighschoolfootball
Virginia Beach Surf and Rescue Museum virginiabeachsurfandrescuemuseum
Visitation Catholic School visitationcatholicschool
Vista Rotary Foundation vistarotaryfoundation
Volunteer Firefighter Alliance volunteerfirefighteralliance
Voyagers Community School voyagerscommunityschool
W. P. Faist Volunteer Ambulance faistvac
Wabash Baseball Booster wabashbaseball
Wakefield Wolverines Baseball wakefieldwolverinesbaseball
Wakefield Wolves Boosters wakefieldwolvesboosters
Walker Ranch Naples walkerranch
Walker Valley High School Baseball walkervalleyhighschoolbaseball
Wallingford Elks 1365 wallingfordelks1365
Walnut Community School District walnutcommunityschool
Walter Hays Elementary School walterhays
Walton County Master Gardeners waltonmastergardeners
Wappinger Elks 2609 elks2609
Wapsie Valley Baseball wvbaseball
Warbirds West Air Museum wwam
Warren Arts Foundation warrenartsfoundation
Warren County High School warrencountyhighschool
Warren Dragon Instrumental Boosters warrendragoninstrumentalboosters
Warsaw Rotary Club warsawrotaryclub
Warwick Skatepark Initiative warwickskateparkinitiative
Warwick Valley High School P.T.S.A. warwickvhptsa
Waterboro Community Garden waterborocommunitygarden
Waterford Elementary School waterfordelementaryschool
Waterford Skate Spot waterfordskatespot
Waterlefe Golf and River Club waterlefegolfandriverclub
Waterloo United Methodist Church waterloounitedmethodist
Waukesha West High School fieldofmanydreams
Waupecan Lodge/ Rainbow Council wlrc
Wausau West High School Soccer Program wausauwesthighschoolsoccerprogram
Waverly Belmont PTO waverlybelmontpto
WAYNE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE waynecountychamberofcommerce
Webster Area Sports Complex websterareasportscomplex
Weequahic High School Alumni Association weequahicalumni
Weirton Baseball Association weirtonbaseball
Welcome to Our Brick and Tile Fundraising Page thegreaterattleboroareacouncilforchildren
Welcome to the Family Of a Vet Donation Website familyofavet
Wentworth Veterans Memorial wentworthveteransmemorial
West Bloomfield High School Literary Garden westbloomfieldhighschoolliterarygarden
West Catholic Alumni Association westcatholicalumniassociation
West End Elementary School wee
West Hunter Street Baptist Church westhunterstreetbaptistchurch
West Johnston High School westjohnstonhighschool
West Linn High School Football Boosters westlinnhighschoolfootballboosters
West Memorial Playground westmemorialplayground
West Mendon Community Church westmendoncchurch
West Sacramento Little League westsacramentolittleleague
West Shore Community College Foundation westshorecommunitycollege
West Shore Wildlife Center westshorewildlife
West Volusia Moose Riders Herd 2538 mooseriders2538
Westbury Little League westburyll
Western Education Foundation wef
Western Science Center westernsciencecenter
Westminster Village of Muncie wvmuncie
Weston High School westonhighschool
Weston High School Softball westonhighschoolsoftball
Wheelhouse Baseball Clinic, Inc wheelhousebaseballclinicinc
Where Angels Play Foundation whereangelsplayfoundation
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Restaurant Bar & Grill wtfrestaurant
whispering creek golf club whisperingcreekgolfclub
White Lake School District whitelakeschooldistrict
White Rock North School whiterocknorthschool
Whitinsville Golf Club whitinsvillegolfclub
Wildlife Rescue Center mowildlife
Wildridge Resort wildridgeresort
Wildwood Park Advisory Council wildwoodparkadvisorycouncil
Wilkins Elks Lodge 577 wilkinselks577
William C Jackson VFW Post 6060 vfwpost6060
Williams Grove Historical Steam Engine Association wghsea
Williston Parks and Recreation willistonparksandrec
Wilmington Academy of Arts and Sciences wilmingtonacademyofartssciences
Wilmington Christian School wcs
Wilmington Railroad Museum wilmingtonrailroadmuseum
Wilson Czech Opera House wilsonoperahouse
Winchester Community Park winchestercommunitypark
Wind Rose Academy windroseacademy
Windermere HS Wolverine Legacy Fund windermerehswolverinelegacyfund
Winter's Park Playground Committee, Inc. wintersparkplayground
WLE Legacy Brick Program wle
WomanHaven womanhaven
Womens Center of Greater Lansing womenscenterofgreaterlansing
Woodbridge Elks Lodge 2116 woodbridge2116
Woodstock Elementary School woodstockelementary
Woodstock Public Library District wpld
Woodview Elementary Spark Park woodviewelementarysparkpark
World Apostolate of Fatima worldapostolateoffatima
World Association of TCVM worldassociationoftcvm
WSLR Inc wslrinc
WSU Tech Foundation wsutech
Wylie Animal Rescue Foundation warf
Wyoming Army National Guard wyarng
Yaden Church of God yadenchurchofgod
Yamhill County Gospel Rescue Mission ycgrm
YANA Foundation Inc. yanafoundationinc
Yellowstone Wildlife Sanctuary yellowstonewildlifesanctuary
YMCA of West San Gabriel Valley wsgvymca
York Preparatory Academy PTO yorkprep
Young at Heart youngatheart
Yuma Catholic High School yumacatholic
Zanders Eagle Project zanderseagleproject
Zapata County Museum of History zapatacountymuseumofhistory
Zellwood United Methodist Church zellwoodumc
Ziggys Haven ziggyshaven
Zion Lutheran Church zionlutheranchurchelgin
Zoo Miami Foundation zoomiami
Zoology Foundation zoologyfoundation
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