The Bronco Project is a student campaign to raise money for the installation of a sculpture of the Vista Murrieta High School mascot at the school entrance. You can help us achieve this goal with the purchase of a customized brick. Your brick will be installed, along with the statue. This is an amazing opportunity to make a difference and leave a lasting legacy at this great school. Buy a brick today, and Go Broncos!
Personalized 4" x 8" brick | $40.00
Additional 4" x 4" replica tile | $15.00
Proceeds will be used for the purchase and installation of the statue. Thank you so much for your support!
If you would like further support the Bronco Project you can donate to our GoFund Me Page: https://www.gofundme.com/thebroncoproject

For questions please contact RJ Cardenasat [email protected]