Camp Manitowa
We all have fond childhood memories of going
to camp.
Whether just for a day, a week or a month, nothing compares to the experiences kids
get while at summer camp.
Camp Manitowa is a “happy place” that provides students a safe, secure environment where campers thrive, learning new skills and develop their confidence.
Both our beautiful 40 acre facility and our
high standards of service have been recognized and accredited by the American Camp Association.
None of this could be possible without the dedication of our amazing staff and the kids and
families who keep coming back year after year!
We are proud to offer you the very first
opportunity to be permanent part of camp’s legacy, by purchasing an engraved brick(s) with the text
and/or clip art of your choice.
The bricks will be permanently installed
Each brick is just $100 (donations are tax
deductible) and will include 3 lines of text with up to 20 characters per line, or $125 for 3 lines
of text with up to 15 characters per line and the clip art of your choosing.
It is a perfect birthday or anniversary
gift; or simply a way to celebrate your family!
Our goal is to have “Phase I” of this
project installed and ready for your kids to see when they get to camp this summer, so we hope we
can count on your participation.
Thanks so much and we look forward to seeing you around the flagpole!