To Nominate a Community Hero for a Chick-fil-A corporate sponsored brick, complete the nomination application below and return to the Flathead 4-H Foundation at: [email protected]
complete the order form, marking the Corporate Sponsored Brick and when
checking out use the code 2020 in the check# box. Your nomination will be
reviewed by the Foundation committee and Kalispell’s Chick-fil-A, upon
approval, you will be notified and Chick-fil-A will cover the cost of the
this Sponsorship, it is Chick-fil-A’s hope to recognize our many Community
Heroes in the Commemorative Path.
Brick Nomination Form:
Foundation’s Brick Committee reviews all orders, once approved you will receive
a Thank You Certificate of the Brick for you to keep and a certificate to give
to your honoree. When the brick arrives, you will receive an invitation for
both of you to attend the Brick Placing Celebration.
Thank you for your Support!
If you have any questions or concerns about your order, or would like to become a Corporate Sponsor, please contact
The Flathead 4-H Foundation at [email protected]
Thank you for your order!