The Battle of Great Bridge, December 9, 1775, played a critical role in the Revolutionary War and the subsequent creation of our great nation. It was this patriot victory that forced Lord Dunmore, British Royal Governor of Virginia, and his soldiers to evacuate and ultimately leave Virginia. As a direct result of this victory, four days after this crucial battle The Virginia Convention adopted the first public declaration expressing a spirit of independence. How different our country might be, had it not been for the Battle of Great Bridge and the significant contributions of our waterways.

Through our mission to protect, preserve, and promote the history of the Battle of Great Bridge, the Foundation has been instrumental in preserving portions of the historic Revolutionary Battlefield, artifacts discovered onsite, and shared the history of this strategic battle with generations 

of visitors from all backgrounds.

Reserving your engraved brick today to honor or commemorate a special person or occasion will support educational programs and events throughout the year and ensure that we can continue to fulfill our mission:

For more information, please contact

Our Executive Director:

[email protected]
