Current New Design
The Genesis House is a group home for middle and high school boys. The home, established by Bishop and Lula Wynn in 1993, is located in Perry, Georgia, and provides a safe and loving environment for boys ages 12-23. The number of residents ranges from seven to thirteen at any given time.
SP Design Group, Architects and Engineers, graciously created schematic drawings for new spaces and the renovation of current space at The Genesis House. The new design brings the house up to code, allows for meeting space, creates a safer environment for boys when visitors are at the house, and creates a separate space for dining rather than the portable tables they are now using. The design also includes a new roof and siding for the entire house. Trinity Homes will oversee the construction of the project.
By purchasing your Polar Engraved brick you can create a lasting message to the residents, staff, and guests at The Genesis House. The bricks will be used to create a walkway and front porch at the house.
ALL donations are tax deductible! All sponsors will be recognized at the Celebration Picnic; a community wide event to celebrate the completion of the project.

For questions please contact Wendy Chaloult at [email protected]