Gracie's Acres is a 501c3 non profit rescue and sanctuary set in the rolling hills around Macon County, Tennessee. We first opened our hearts and doors in 2015 and have dedicated our lives to these wondrous souls called pigs. It has been a time filled with joys and sorrows. Each hardship that came our way gave us the strength to do more. In 2018 we moved to a new location that is perfect to care for those already in our care and to expand to help more.
Each of our resident pigs have their own unique personality, each has their own unique beauty. We know them all by name. We can share with you the stories of how each one came to be in our care. Some were rescues from a life of abuse and neglect. We have taken in pigs that found themselves in a kill shelter. We even have pigs that were found wandering starved or attacked by some predator. In some cases, it took us days to catch and bring them to safety. No matter how their stories started, we have given each of them a promise, you will never feel anything but love and you will never want for anything again.
We are asking you to help us keep this promise. Recently a virus went through our herd taking many precious lives. After a long list of treatments and dozens of trips to several top veterinarians available in our area we never did get a definitive answer as to what virus caused so much misery.
We did learn one thing for sure, we need a medical barn. We need to have a climate-controlled barn with specialized stalls and treatment areas that can care for the medical needs of each pig. From being quarantined to providing physical therapy, we need a barn to provide for the needs of each and every broken life we are wanting to mend.
We are hoping that together we can get this barn built,
piece by piece, brick by brick. We are doing a fundraiser that will allow
any that visit us at Gracie's ’s Acres to see that it took a huge community to
made this dream a reality. with your donation a brick will be etched with
the message of your choice which will then be used in the construction of our
specially care barn.

We have a strict spay and neuter policy. #teacuppigsdonotexist #builduponapigsfuture #savingpigs
For questions about ordering please contact: Susan Swafford at [email protected]