Homer Community Schools invites you to create a long-lasting memory to honor or recognize current and former students, community members, local businesses, friends, family members, neighbors and other school stakeholders. You can do this by participating in our new Alumni Plaza Brick Beautification Project that will be located at the Main Entrance (Circle Drive, Flagpole, Spirit Rock Area) to Homer Community Schools. The Alumni Plaza Brick Beautification Project will be funded by your purchase of bricks inscribed with names, accomplishments, organizations, businesses, teams, clubs, or special memories. Act now to become a permanent part of our new Alumni Plaza.
Homer Community Schools...A
Tradition of Excellence since 1835. Installation is scheduled to begin in
the Summer of 2019.
Homer Strong!!!
*Before clicking "pay by card" please fill out order form below, choose check and type in "000" for check number then return to main page and click "pay by card" below to complete payment by card*
For questions or concerns please contact Scott Salow at [email protected]