of Dreams Campaign
ND “Way”- Buy a Brick Program
Campus Transformation…
What a difference a new track and turf fields can make!
Final steps are underway for completing our Fields of Dreams Project. The front turf field and track have been installed and the fencing and brick pillars will be in place by Christmas. To complete the aesthetic look of the front field entrance and pay honor and tribute to members of our school community, we are launching our ND “Way”- Buy a Brick Program.
We will have 400 red brick pavers (8 x 8) flanking the pillars and concrete walkway leading to the new track and turf field in front of Notre Dame. Members of the ND community are invited to purchase a brick paver and have it engraved with your name. If you prefer, you could make your donation in honor of or in memory of family members, a classmate, a Brother, teacher, or coach who was special to you and have their name(s) engraved on the paver.
The ND “Way”- Buy a Brick Program will support equipment for our athletic and physical education programs.
To enhance your paver with the ND logo or clip art is an additional $50. This would include 5 lines of text (20 characters) per line plus the clip art design. (View clip art options on the top right of this page. Please only select clip art from the list, we do not accept other artwork.)
With 11,000 alumni, parents, and friends of ND, the 400 brick pavers will sell quickly.
Questions??? Please contact Kathy Wielk, V.P. for Advancement
[email protected] or 203-933-1673 x214.
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