Port Jewish Center

Port Jewish Center is excited to announce the opportunity to establish a lasting connection with our religious home. Our commemorative brick path will pave the way to the main entrance of our building under a newly constructed portico. As you arrive for services, religious school, holidays, meetings or gatherings with friends, your engraved brick will greet you as you enter the door.

Your personalized brick(s) can honor or commemorate:
  • A family member
  • A loved one who is no longer with us
  • Your children
  • Your parents
  • A special occasion, wedding, graduation, b’nai mitzvah

This will be an ongoing project and our hope is that additional bricks will be dedicated in the future.  

Your support is greatly appreciated and will be an ongoing tribute. Please complete the form below.

Brick Size 4" x 8"
Price (text only): $100
Price (with clip art) $136

For questions, please contact Stephanie Silverstein at [email protected] or 516-944-7202

CLIP ART Collection

