Help Holyrood replace the American Legion Building
Up until the spring of 2019, the American Legion Post in Holyrood had a large meeting hall located on Main Street. During a storm with high winds, the roof and walls of the building caved in.
This building served many purposes in the community. It was used as a meeting hall for the American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion, Lions Club, Red Hat Ladies, Interfaith Churches, and others. It was also used daily as a senior center and to serve senior meals. In addition, it was used for events such as fundraisers, weddings, dances, class reunions, Ellsworth County Medical Center Health Fairs, and others.
With the building gone, almost everyone in the community has been affected. There is no other building in town that can fill the void that exists. Our project is to raise funds for and build a new building that would replace to serve our community and the surrounding areas.
This is your chance to help raise money for the project. By donating to the brick fundraiser, you get the opportunity to have your name or the name of someone you care about added to the brick donor wall. We are also excited to share that a donor pledge has been made to match all brick sales at 100%. Your brick donation is doubled instantly!
If you
have any questions or concerns about your order, please contact:
Brandon Koch at [email protected]