The PRICE YORK RITE BODIES are in need of funds to be used for the current operating expenses and upgrade of paraphenalia used in our degree work. A portion of our profits will be donated to the General York Rite bodies various charities.
The Price York Rite Bodies
Price York Rite Bodies are: The Price Chapter #6 of Royal Arch
Masons; The Solomon Council #4 Cryptic Masons and the Charles Fred Jennings
Commandery #6 of the Knights Templar.
As such we have been a part of Freemasonry since time immemorial. Today York Rite Masonry is a fraternal brotherhood of social and charitable members of these institutions.
charities include:
The Royal
Arch Research Assistance organization (RARA) is a Non-profit 501 C 3
incorporated to provide research and promote solutions to Central Auditory
Processing Disorder or CAPD.
The Council
of Cryptic Masons charity is the Cryptic Masons Medical Research Foundation
(CMMRF) which promotes research into vascular biology and medicine.
The Grand
Encampment of Knights Templar has the Knights Templar Eye Foundation
Incorporated. Their goal is to improve vision through research, education, and
supporting access to care.
The local Price
Utah bodies were charted in 1916 and have been located in the Price Masonic
Temple building since 1926.
We are
endeavoring to raise funds not only for our charities, but for the assistance
in preserving the heritage of our building and the institution itself.
A portion of our fundraising will go directly to the charities named above.
We are selling Bricks, Tiles, and replicas to the general public as well as other Masonic bodies.
Thank you
for your support.
Price York
Rite Bodies.
of state orders: A
minimum of five (5) brick or tile orders can be shipped directly to you at no extra cost.
For Payments, please use the VENMO QR code after placing your order.
If you have any questions, please contact John McCurdy 435-637-2354 or email [email protected]