St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church


It’s time to put the finishing touches on our beautiful Columbarium area.  Thanks to a generous starting gift, dedicated investments by our last three Mission Teams, and many helping hands from our congregation, our “backyard” has never looked so good.  It is now a more serene resting place for our departed, clearly separated from the rest of our acreage, and soon to have a beautiful Celtic Cross filled with bricks which commemorate St Augustine, our friends in Christ, and their families.  At the center of the cross will be a striking four-foot-square array of 12” x 12” gray bricks with black writing surrounding our Church Seal 

The outside edges of the cross will be a border of blank gray 4” x 8” bricks.  Filling the rest of the cross, we will start with 52 memorial bricks purchased many years ago by congregants, but never ordered.  

 The rest of the cross will be filled by commemorative bricks that we all can buy in the coming weeks.  They will look like the ones shown here, memorializing the people and things that we love, with chosen clip art if desired.

Each brick will require a $100 donation to the Project, or $110 if clip art is chosen from an extensive clip art library.  That donation will cover the cost of each brick, plus provide the funds for their installation, and hopefully recover some of the costs already underwritten by our Church.  This is a win-win opportunity to make our Columbarium an even more special place while celebrating our community, our Church, and ourselves.  

Please place your order below and join us in this exciting venture!

For questions, please contact [email protected]

CLIP ART Collection










