“Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong,
and laughter never ends.” - Tina Markley
This popular adage is embodied in Ellicottville, NY - a place where people from all over the country - and the world - call home. Whether you are out on the ski slopes, golfing the greens, or shopping & dining downtown, there’s just a feeling of home.
Ellicottville wants to make that home
even better with the addition of a permanent outdoor concrete skatepark. Our
committee (SK8EVL) has partnered with the Village of Ellicottville to bring
this project to light. We are the recipient of the “Built-to-Play” matching
grant from the Tony Hawk Foundation (THF) and Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation
(RCWJF). They will match, dollar-for-dollar, up to $250,000 to apply towards
the construction of a skatepark.
Our goal is to raise the full $250,000 match, which will allow us to build a 10,000 sq. ft. facility inside the Ellicottville Village Park. Ellicottville has until November 30, 2020! Your purchase of a commemorative brick will help us reach our goal. It’s a great way for displaying your lasting legacy of family, friends and loved ones or to commemorate a special event. It is also a great way for businesses to show their community support! (HAVE YOUR LOGO PRINTED ON YOUR BRICK!)
The engraved bricks will be installed in
the area of the skatepark where they will be very visible to visitors using the
park each day. Add an extra touch to
your brick with our clip art or your own image/business logo. We thank you in advance for your support!
• Skateparks promote an active lifestyle. Whether participants are on skateboards, roller skates, BMX bikes or scooters, skateparks provide a great cardio workout.
• Skateboarding improves mental health, fosters community, and encourages diversity and resilience. In a recent study, a vast majority of skaters indicated they skateboard for fun and/or to relieve stress. This finding takes on great significance in light of teen suicide rates and depression.
• Skateparks are a win-win: they provide a safe space for participants and help protect property of local businesses and homeowners.
• Skateparks draw visitors of all ages from surrounding regions, providing economic benefits.
“Skateparks draw visitors of all
ages, from all walks of life. The skatepark becomes a terrific place to find
people with similar interests, and most lifelong skateboarders have great
friends that they met while skateboarding. In skateparks we see parents skating
with their kids, young people offering tips to older folks, poor folks skating
with wealthy folks, and so on. Skateparks are where people go to have fun and
challenge themselves in a safe, appropriate environment - with their friends
and within their community.” - The Tony Hawk Foundation
For questions, please contact
Brenda Perks at [email protected]