Nearly four years after the first
preliminary design drawings were made by Holton Engineering; two years and
seven months after we kicked off our capital campaign drive; and one year after
we engaged Peterson Builders, Inc., we have dedicated our new St. Peter Parish
Hall / Catholic Community Office / Religious Education Annex facility.
Under the patronage of St. Joseph,
we have had for the most part a very smooth process in constructing this
facility. Thanks to the leadership of Larry Peterson and the hard work of both
the sub-contractors and volunteers, we were blessed to be able to occupy the
new building in mid-February 2019, and all we have remaining as of July 2019 is
to complete the outside concrete work and landscaping.
The goals we set out to accomplish
through this project hare been realized:
1. Relocate the Parish Offices to
St. Peter’s Church Site
2. Create a highly energy efficient
3. Significantly improve the kitchen
and restroom facilities
4. Connect the church and parish
While we still wait to see the final
cost of the project, our fundraising efforts have been very successful.
Nevertheless, we have had to borrow $132,000 from the Parish Building and Loan
Trust Fund and will end up borrowing more to complete the project. Proceeds
from the Tile Fundraiser at this time will help pay on the loan.
The engraved tile fundraiser
provides you the opportunity to leave your mark on our new
building: Permanently proclaim your loyalty to St. Peter’s Parish;
memorialize your deceased loved ones, or leave a historical record of your
participation in the community or its organizations. We have installed one plot
of tiles; the second plot is ordered. In the future, we will have
more. Fr. Jerome Ranek