The purpose of the St. Robert Veteran
Memorial Fund is dedicated to honoring our nation’s military service members of
all branches as well as defer the cost of construction of this memorial. The
memorial will honor current active duty, reserve, national guard and retirees.
The donor program will allow for donors to recognize individuals who have
honorably served in the United States Armed Forces and units or groups who
would like to donate may do so as well.
It is the intent of the government of the
City of St. Robert to honor those men and women who have laid their lives on
the line routinely fighting for the freedom of our great country and its
citizens. It is hoped that this Veterans Memorial provide a sense of pride to
our country and
Esprit de corps throughout our community. The intent
is also to acknowledge the relatives of these brave men and women.
It is with great pleasure that St. Robert takes the lead in recognizing our veterans through this awesome project. In providing this opportunity for donors to recognize themselves and others will also assist in supporting the City government in developing an awesome monument that will reflect the pride, courage and passion of the United States Military Veterans selfless service.
program will allow donors to contribute to the creation of this Memorial
through the purchase of several different personalized Bricks or Ceramic
Plaques at affordable payments. The various types of donations are displayed in
this web site. Follow the Web site instructions for your orders. If you have
any questions that cannot be answered by this web site, you are more than
welcome to contact Dr. Charles Slider at 573-528-6033 or Mrs. Anita Ivey at