Dear Friend of The Village Nursery School:
As a fellow parent of
a Village Nursery School graduate, we know better than most the truth in the
old adage “it takes a village to raise a child.” In this case it is the
“Village” Nursery School and its faculty who have cultivated an enthusiasm for
education in our children’s lives. Regardless of how long it has been since our
children came home wearing mud and paint on their clothes and smiles across
their faces, we are all still part of the “village.” It is for this reason that
we write in hopes that you will consider joining our brick drive fundraiser to
commemorate 70 years of educating small children.
Founded in 1953 by
local parents, The Village Nursery School has a long history of community and
family involvement. In the 1950s and 60s parents hand crafted the inside and
outside equipment used in the original two buildings, in the 1990s they oversaw
the planning and construction of the school’s present building, and still today
they are the muscle behind the annual fall and spring cleanups. Grandparents
read in the classroom, parents serve as trustees, older siblings return as
guest speakers while younger siblings long for their chance to stay and play,
and in turn, veteran teachers become family as honorary aunts. The Village
Nursery School is truly a special place.

The aim of our current brick drive fundraiser is to both
continue to re-pave the front entry walkway of the school with personalized
bricks from donors like you, & to update the building to accommodate the
needs of its ever-growing student population. In return for your contribution,
you will not only be represented on a permanent piece of the footpath leading
up to the doors of the school, but your donation will help continue the mission
of the school.
Our previous brick drive helped to repave our sidewalks & install new flooring in our building. This year, our fundraising efforts will go towards a new outdoor playground!
- 4x8 red concrete #10 at $100 each (no logo)
We hope that you will join us & local families in
continuing to nurture our village!