Alumni, parents and students leave your legacy here at Vincent High. Don’t miss out
on this awesome opportunity to buy your legacy tiles and bricks today. You can purchase a custom
engraved brick or tile that can be personalized to include your name, graduation class and clip
art. Tiles and bricks will be displayed on a commemorative wall and walkway at Harold Garrett
Stadium. This is your chance to help support our school and leave behind your own personal message.
Complete your information below and click continue to
enter your text to be engraved. You will see a virtual rendering of your brick or tile prior to
submitting your order. You may include up to 3 lines of text and 18-20 spaces per line (text only)
and up to 15 spaces per line if including clip art or logo.
Together…We Swarm!
If you have questions or need help regarding this fundraiser please contact Jason
Hill [email protected]