Voyagers’ Community School is a place…
• where a child can grow and learn as a whole person.
• where children can develop thinking and working attitudes that empower them to take over their own growth.
• that honors and encourages children’s vision, tenacity, initiative, imagination, generosity, and exploration.
• that is defined by the bounding level of excitement, enthusiasm, creativity, ingenuity, inquisitiveness and individual and community satisfaction.
• that invokes vibrancy and trust among children and adults alike.
• where children can find their voice and participate in a democratic community.
• where learning is defined by no one and by everyone.
Commemorate your student, family, business, educator or memorialize a loved one by purchasing a brick in support of our campaign as we build on our strong foundation and assist those students in need with our Scholarship Fund. All bricks will be prominently displayed on the front walkway entrance of the school as a way to thank and honor our benefactors, past students and educators.
For questions please contact [email protected]
To charge your school account, please call 732 842 1660