Warbirds West Air Museum is a small, personal, local military aircraft flying museum located at Gillespie Field in San Diego CA. Part of our mission is to provide Missing Man Fly Overs at military Veteran’s and civilian aviator’s memorial services.
The Missing Man Fly By is a time honored tradition for aviators, and a service that is not provided by the military / DOD.
Contributions to our Museum fund the operation and maintenance of these aircraft,
so that the Missing Man Memorial Fly Bys can be provided to those that request it for a small
donation to cover flight costs.
Our “new” memorial walkway gives families and friends an additional, and more permanent, way to honor their memory at Gillespie Field. The memorial walkway is located at the entrance to Warbirds West Air Museum at 1725 N Marshall and provides a highly visible pathway honoring and remembering aviators, and veterans who “have headed West”. The memorial walkway is located on the West side of Gillespie Field, and is open to the public as well as Museum members as they enter and depart the museum grounds. The American Flag is flying 7/24 at the walkway entrance.
Bricks are laser engraved and then painted so the lettering is permanent and will
not wear off after a few years. Ordering is easy, and allows a branch of military service
logo, or the American Flag to be displayed as well as 3 lines of text,
· Honoree’s name and
Branch of Service Logo
· Rank / rate, branch of
· Born - Died Years
Permanently remember, and honor your loved one with a Gillespie Field / Warbirds
West Air Museum Memorial Walkway Brick.