
Fraternities & Sororities Brick Fundraising

Fraternities & Sororities Brick Fundraising

Brick Fundraising Social Club

Fraternity, Sorority, and Social Club Fundraising Campaigns

A very popular and lucrative fundraising idea for fraternities is a brick campaign. A brick fundraiser for social clubs and Fraternity & Sororities is key to providing money. The money raised can help members pay for annual membership fees, maintenance or purchase of property, Swag: like t-shirts and sweaters, pay for social events, trips and gatherings, scholarship programs, and giving back to the community. We can help you put together the perfect fraternity or sorority brick project.

Polar Engraving can engrave in any language, and that includes Greek! We can also engrave a wide variety of logos such as the Shriner’s, Elks, Moose, Lions Club, Rotary Club, Motorcycle Clubs, etc…

We can create a free customized donor website, so you can collect your orders easily online without having to transcribe your donor’s information. For those still not comfortable with the web, we can also create a free donor brochure order form you can hand out during meetings to your members. Designed for the success of your project, check out our free fundraising marketing tools and tips at our Learning Center.

Order a Free Brick Sample

Have one of our fundraising specialists call you to order your free engraved brick or tile sample.

  • Alpha Kappa Psi-Tallahassee, FL
  • Annawon Lodge #115-West Haven, CT
  • ETZ Chaim Men’s Club-Marietta, GA
  • Massapequa Elks Lodge #2162-Massapequa, NY
  • Moose Lodge 257-Cheyenne, WY
  • Pine Castle Woman’s Club-Orlando, FL
  • AEPi Delta Parents Club-Champaign, IL
  • Phi Delta Theta-University of Arizona
Brick Fundraising Campaign Fraternity
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Monday-Friday: 9am – 5pm EST

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