Aug 16
Sometimes it can be difficult for a donor to express what they would like to say using only 15-20 spaces per line and 3- 8 lines of text, depending on brick size. Allowing your donors to choose clip art or logos for their engraved bricks or engraved tiles can help get their message across and really connect emotionally. For example adding a simple heart clip art to an “In memory of” message on an engraved brick immediately shows love for the person who has passed and makes the donors message more personalized. The clip art and logos can also show a person’s personality, likes and interests. Is the donor an animal lover? Do they love music and art, are they a devoted follower of a particular faith? By having relevant clip art options available this will allow donors to further personalize their messages.
What makes a good image for brick engraving?
Polar Engraving has an expansive clip art collection available and we’re also able to engrave custom art and logos. In order for the engraved graphic to look its best we suggest using camera ready files in black and white or solid colors, no gray scale. Images with crisp sharp lines will look best. If the image is pixelated it will be difficult for the engravers to convert the file to be used for engraving. If you have any doubt if a personal clip art or logo will work you can email the file and one of our engravers will take a look at it and let you know if a better quality file is needed. The higher the quality of the clip art or emblem the better the end result of the brick engraving.
Clip Art Design Utilizing Flags and Emblems
Keep in mind when selecting a flag clip art that the engraved portion of the art work on an engraved brick or tile will be black. The American flag is very easy to distinguish because of the stars and stripe pattern. Not all flags are as easily recognizable and can be mistaken for other countries. If choosing a flag that has solid colors like for example the French flag or Italian flag a clip art that distinguishes the country by also displaying the countries silhouette or spelling out the name of the country within the design should be chosen. Intricate designs such as flags, and seals may also require more space on an engraved brick or tile. Donors wishing to pick these emblems should choose larger sized bricks or tiles or use less text along with the graphic.
Using Clip art or Logos to boost engraved brick sales
Clip art and Logos on laser engraved tiles and bricks can also bring an additional boost of funds to a fundraising project. Clip art and custom logos or emblems are always just $6.00 per engraved image. No additional set up or conversion fees are charged. Your organization however can sell engraved bricks or engraved tiles at a higher price, increasing the profitability of your fundraiser, if you allow the donor to pick a clip art as part of their brick or tile design. We would always recommend using tiered pricing when establishing pricing for your brick fundraising campaign. An example of this would be offering a text only engraved brick or tile for $100.00 each and a brick with clip art or custom logo for $125.00, $150.00 0r even $200 each. If you’re interested in starting a profitable brick fundraising campaign be sure to contact us today to get started!
Following these easy steps will ensure you have a beautiful engraved brick walkway, wall, or memorial project and a profitable fundraising campaign!