Nov 19
Every year, The United States celebrates Veterans Day on November 11th. According to Time and Date, the reason why the 11th is so significant to our Veterans is that it is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which ultimately ended WW1 hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany in 1918. Our country would not be the same without our Veterans, therefore having a brick memorial project is a wonderful way to pay your respects to them.
1. Start a Brick Fundraising Campaign
A brick fundraising campaign helps raise a tremendous amount of money for whatever cause you hold dear to your heart. There are multiple causes that can help Veterans such as those who are active, those who have medical expenses, Veterans that need service pets, families of Veterans etcetera. If you plan accordingly, you can begin your brick fundraiser at the start of the year and fund-raise until you’ve reached your goal/capacity.
2. Create an engraved brick memorial project
Creating a brick memorial for those who served is a remarkable gesture. As well, family members of those being recognized can visit the commemorative site for years to come. Whether it is the weekend before Veterans Day or on November 11th you can have a grand unveiling to reveal the brick memorial to your local community.
3. Buy a memorial brick
Even if you aren’t personally doing a brick memorial yourself, there are many out there where you can honor a Veteran. Multiple Veterans organizations have brick memorials that allow you to purchase a commemorative brick with your own verbiage in honor of a special soldier.
If you are interested in having a brick fundraiser, brick memorial, or are wanting to contribute to a fundraising project that is already active, please contact Polar Engraving at 1800-546-7993 or email us at [email protected]